carrier 18. u.s. postal service. got any mail? ain't you heard of the postman? he's only the greatest man who ever lived. he crossed the wasteland, shook his fist at the enemy and spit in the eye of general bethlehem himself. he's back east with president starkey right now. postmaster ford lincoln mercury. he's in direct contact with the restored congress. do you have mail, or don't you? thirty-two. as of midnight. his letters are always kind of short. i found him! i found him! route twenty-two. i'm already an hour late. what rule? but they're waiting on their mail down there. you're hurting him. we know their names. the little one's my brother. his name is billy. what ford did was wrong. but it doesn't change anything for any of us. does it? no. president lives in a white house. that guy's place is gray. ready for duty, sir. talk to the people. gather who's willing. tell them it's important. tell them we can make a difference.