because it is illegal. you don't have certification to do that. yes. but not certified for that of course i can do it. would i be here if i couldn't? come now meneer headmaster. let's end this now. i have a full day ahead of me still. thank you, meneer headmaster. your cooperation in this matter is very appreciated. good day. what can't? i'm just doing my job. and if you'll take some advice, you should just do yours. once warned. twice punished. no. you are with your damned race mixing ideas, rooinek. you want everything to be equal, little boetie. why not men and women too? just then morrie throws the bolt. locks keep people out but they also keep them in. he has walked right up to morrie, not taking his eyes off morrie's for a moment. morrie meets his gaze evenly. the moment is broken as bretyn's baton slams into morrie's stomach, dropping him to this knees. get up, you bloody commie jew! he bangs morrie hard in the jaw, knocking him out cold. captain. the two police lines start to move towards each other, sandwiching the africans, pk and maria. too late. you never should have come. at the ready. now.