ay, man. if you'd let him win once in a while we could take a little book on it here. and you? which is why i'm about visiting you. you've come on the board, man. there are odds on your making it or not. not in your favor, my boy. when you come up on the boards, boyo, it's time to bow out. it's an omen. pk, it's not a bet i want to collect. the shorter your time, the higher they go. with you probably ten, twelve, thirteen to one when you're short a month. i did not come here to solicit your bet. all right. you're a bleery fool. and i'll be prayin' every night it's the only bet i ever have to pay off on. you should let him win once in a while. well, look at ya now, boyo. up and at 'em in no time. and rich as a fuckin' lord. your ticket to ride. two hundred quid at fourteen to one. not according to managment. they cashed you out at twelve months for eleven worked. last thirty days was bonus. and until someone shows me a calendar reads different, twelve months and a year are one and the same kind of thing. and the bet was for a year. so get yourself mended and get your ass out of here. what do you want to go pressin' it for? you're rich, lad. you're whole. why do you want to go pressin' it? know what? that the man has there's an end to everything, boyo. even luck.