you can't be here. i could be expelled. we went on a dare. please. pk ignores her anxiety. it was. . exciting. you were very good. you speak the taal. i can't. i need my father's permission. hard for an afrikaaner boy. impossible for an english one. i have to finish this paper. please go. there are plenty of english girls. what makes me so important? my father will insist on meeting you. now please. good night, pk. and i don't remember telling you mine. pk smiles back at her. he drops to the ground. maria closes the window and watches him scoot across the campus until he is swallowed by the night. papa, would you like coffee in the library or the parlor? you took a big chance talking to my father the way you did. he likes boxers. you could have picked a more agreeable topic. do you spend hours thinking about how to deal with me, too? know what i think? when i was little we would go to my grandfather's farm in the high veldt for holiday. my father would take me to the top of the highest hill and we'd play this game, 'what do you see' until we ran out of things to see. do you ever play that? want to try? i see a forest. it goes on forever. there are giant trees which keep getting bigger and bigger over thousands of years. now you. i see the big trees getting bigger, their leaves and branches making one great green umbrella over all of africa. the wheel stops again at its highest point. you tell a very good story. her eyes sparkle, making her irresistible. pk leans forward. maria turns her face towards him. her lips part slightly. they kiss tenderly. i thought i'd surprise you. mr. goldman was explaining the theory behind the left hook. oh yes. how d'you do. nice meeting you, mr. goldman. your tree pass. do you box too, morrie? i'm scared for you, pk. no i don't. of course. i hate it when you tease me. no you're not. i better go. thank you. the seniors dance is two saturdays from now. i would like it if you could escort me. they'll think what they think and i'll think what i think. i think i love you. i didn't doubt it for a minute. thank you for tonight. you were great. ready. set. go! you're supposed to let me win. you were guilty of that when you gave me a head start. get your formal yet? the dance is only a week away. why not? can't you change it? you're breaking up with me. then what could be so important that it takes all your saturday nights? yes you are. i can feel it. i'm losing you to a bunch of kaffirs? no? are you escorting me to the dance? are you going to see me on the only free night they give us? and my life's important to me. damn you. i thought you might need some help. or i can just sit and watch. 'a.' write 'a.' thank you. good night, morrie. p.k. can i ask you a favor? we don't have to go in or anything. you can hear the music from outside. i'd love to have one dance with you before i graduate. i feel so good. race you to the gate. no. they're sending me away to school in pretoria. i told my father i wouldn't go. he said if i didn't he'd see they arrest you and ruin your chances. i couldn't let him do that. next week. i want to make love to you, p.k. pk's eyes fill with her words. she releases him. they look at each other. i do. p.k., it's me. i wanted to say goodbye to my students. . and to you. pk!