i see you, p.k. you have heard my request? a woman has thrown the sacred ox bones. she has made a fire and read the smoke. that the onoshobishobi ingelosi who is a chief must fight the one who one day will be a chief. who knows what is true and what is not. the legend of onoshobishobi ingelosi is very powerful among the people. they see you box the boer and always you win. they have heard the stories from barberton. the people live with little hope. they must see if the spirit of the boy still lives in the man. less hope. but still they must yes, baas. going right now. yes, yes. sorry. i drive. he opens solly's door with some urgency. nguni sees maria. welcome, miss, welcome. the people have come from everywhere to see you. they are to be witness. no worry, miss. it is the sound of happiness. he stops the car at a door in a high wooden wall guarded by two big men. we are here. it is very important the people see everything is correct. please. it is time.