no, no. god gave you two hands so you can knock a man out from either side. left-right. what? you boys lost? oh yeah, yeah. the champeen. right? and who are you? oy gevalt. you know you train here it's not like those nice school fights you're used to. three knockdowns you win. for my personal attentinons, mr. manager? fifty pounds a month. for one of them. . less. six months? i don't know your boy'll last six minutes. that your gear? go change in the back. we'll see if you couldn't find a better use for all that money. why's he want to do this, a nice- looking schoolboy? oh sure, sure. and i'd like to be twenty-five again. you giving odds? you both meshugah. let's just start out nice and easy now. never i seen someone so young throw an eight-punch combination. where did you learn such a thing? you trying to be a comedian and a boxer? mr. manager, come to my office. we'll talk terms. you, get showered, and see me after. we'll talk training. solly and morrie head off toward solly's office. pk watches them go, a small victorious smile on his face. now at the end of the geel piet eight you do this. one-two. one-two-three. the solly goldman thirteen. okay? that's it. that's it. move him around. jab jab. slip slip. now. pk pours it on, laying in the geel piet eight. solly is silently counting. and. one-two. one-two-three. that's it. that's it. now work around the defense. jab jab. the opponent becomes aggressive. pk starts dancing, slipping punches. in a public match. not in a gym. not yet anyway. the boer is a funny people. outside the ring the black is not equal. inside he is. but only in private, not in public. so i keep my mouth shut, the police go a little blind, and that's that. it's a crazy world, huh? work him on the heavy bag. close the door. someone i got a lot of respect for asked me to make a request. he wants to put you in a match. a young guy just turned pro. gideon mandoma. in a black township. sofiatown. the man who promotes all the fights in sofiatown -- elias nguni. in thirty years i know him, number one on the list. i told you what he told me. pretty even. there's no purse being offered. well, nice meeting you, maria. we never had a girl come to the gym. it's not such a bad thing, huh? solly moves off. the night won't last forever, boychick. the night i escaped from the tsar's army it was just like this. six of us -- four jews, two ukranians. dark as anything. no streets. in the day we hid in bushes. at night we went. whey they come take you at thirteen years old and tell you it's twenty-five years in the army, it's your duty to desert. you said the end of the road. a very tough fight. watch the left hook. he's going for the quick knockout. he can't keep it up. soon the truck runs out of gas. he's had it. he's got no strength in his punch. i'm telling you. see. where that water goes -- you go. right to here. you put your punches there, you win. you don't, you lose. when you and your manager first came to me with that meshuganah idea to be welterweight champion of the world you did not have a big believer here. but i gotta tell you. now you do. in london lives benny rosen, the greatest trainer in the world today. when you go to your oxford i give you a letter to rosen. whatever i can't do for you, he can. and i give the address of a very good bookmaker. teach you also a thing or two. now, go on back to being fancy-schmancy english gentlemen. i'm proud of both of you. now move it nice and easy, the both of you. time. would you two find some other time to chat. this is a boxing ring, not a social club. in here. a repeat performance of history, my boy. solly goldman's being deported. of course last time i didn't have the luxury of being able to pack. their reason is that i'm here illegal. i didn't enter the country with a passport. like the czar was issuing passports to russian jews in 1910. no, boychick. this is because of them. they are the problem, not you. don't ever think different. you look tired. want a glass tea? you got your head screwed on right. don't let these meshuganahs screw it on wrong. now go on. you want to find me, look at benny rosen's gym in east end, london. we're not finished yet.