very evocative, yes. particularly the image of the chicken. good choice there. any ideology that needs to attack the thing that least threatens it is an ideology that will not outlive its own generation. inclusion, gentlemen, not exclusion, is the key to survival. something our new government should take heed of, eh? next week we have mr. levy who will enlighten us on. very apt, mr. levy. we look forward to the experience. all right. well-written. i've received notice from the a word of caution. contemporary to most of these fellows means the seventeenth century. try and keep your theme, um, classical, if you know what i mean. money's a different matter. different committee. and p.k. good luck tonight. gentlemen. best time for walking. yes. quite a fresh bruise there. maybe you should change your footwear. to something a little more appropriate for. roadwork. you are asking me for a lot, young man. you are asking me to put the reputation of this school in jeopardy. i'm aware of that. i'm also aware of what will happen if this ever gets out. we live in a country where the rules are being rewritten. all right. i will allow it on a trial basis. here are my conditions: you tell no one; you operate at night on saturdays when the student body is gone; you involve no one besides yourself and mr. levy. if you can comply, you can have your school. yes. come in. close the door. this is brigadier bretyn from the police department. he has come to deliver, in person, an order to close the saturday school. the saturday school is to be disbanded until further notice. for the moment i'm afraid it is. history disputes you. yes it does. but it is never kind to those who try to hurry it. so do i, p.k. but this is not a subtle government. they mean to have their way and damn the consequences. and i cannot jeopardize this school, no matter how i personally feel. i'm sorry. i heard you were accepted at oxford. well, congratulations. to both of you. we'll talk before you go. that'll be all.