are you crazy? to sign on for a year? and you are, boyo. the absolute best. but even the best doesn't survive a year on the bars. down in that damn tube the luck runs out sooner than later. you may be a genius at reading the rock but you ain't no fuckin' fortune teller. and let me show you what i have to show for it to this day. and that's thirteen years after the fact, boyo. nothing. come on, then. on being the best damned blaster ever taught by ian thomas. cheers. another. sure you don't want one? taste? you don't drink for the taste. hell's comin'. drillers. he's got a powder pain from breathin' too much of that damn gelignite. the pain's bad enough. mixed with a little alcohol it's fuckin' lethal. come on. we ain't got much time. the two most dangerous things you'll ever see in your life, boyo: a hangup of rock that won't blast free on first shot and a driller with a powder headache drinkin'.