major, looks like there were ten, maybe twelve guerrillas. looks like they took some prisoners from the chopper. then a different set of track, over there. six others, u.s. issue jungle boots. they came in from the north, then followed the guerrillas. strange, major. there was a firefight. shooting in all directions. i don't believe he did, sir. i couldn't find a single track. just doesn't make sense. no sign. they never left here major. it's like they just disappeared. looks bad, major. it's gonna be a real bitch. if we follow above the river and then down, here, at this canyon, we might find a way out. something. in the trees. can you see anything. . there? it's nothing. i'm scared. there's something out there, waiting for us. it ain't no man. major, over here. the body. it's gone. boar set off the trip flare, major. no other tracks. like a hunter. * he's busted up, bad, major.