last time we danced, it was lieutenant, schaefer. how you been, dutch? no way, old buddy. that piece of work you guys pulled off at the berlin embassy last week was really something. blew the entry points on three floors and neutralized the opposition in eight seconds flat. beautiful. also heard that you passed on that little job in libya. those cabinet members are very important to our scope of operations in this part of the world. they're about to get squeezed. we can't let that happen. i needed someone who could get the job done, quick and quiet. no screw-ups. i needed the best. the best. so, i pulled a few strings at the state department. and here we are. the set-up is simple, dutch. one day job. we pick up their trail at the chopper, run 'em down, grab the hostages and bounce back across the border before anyone knows we were there. you've done it a hundred times. nothing out of the ordinary. not to worry, dutch. i haven't lost my edge. they've got a head start on us in some real tough country, otherwise, believe me, it's a piece of cake. our rendezvous points and radio freqs. are indicated and fixed. awacs contact on four hour intervals. no such thing, old buddy. it's a one way ticket. once we cross that border, we're on our own. man, that's a real bad habit you've got. you don't know how much i missed this, dutch!!! once you get this in your blood, you never get it out!!! have you picked up their trail yet? they're getting better equipped every day. probably another rebel patrol. they operate in here all the time. jesus. this is inhuman. uh. i wasn't told of any operations in this area. they shouldn't have been here. ready, kid? on your nine!!! this is beautiful! more than we ever thought. we got the bastards! two days. that's all we had. in two days, three hundred of these bastards would have been equipped with all this. after they crossed the border, it would have taken a year to stop them. we've averted a major guerrilla invasion, dutch. that's right, i set you up. you're a veteran at this, dutch, i had to. because i told you, you're the best. i knew you could do it but i couldn't get you in here without a cover story. we've been lookin' for this place for months. the chopper must have gotten close when they got shot down. hopper * was sent in to get my men. he was just doing his job. when he disappeared i had to clean this up, i had to stop there bastards. we were so close, we couldn't quit. we couldn't sleep through this one. i needed you, dutch, can't you see that? to invade a foreign country, illegally? you lied, dillon. stacked the odds against us. set us up. you could have gotten us all killed. you used to be one of us, dillon, someone i could trust with my life. we've been through a lot together dutch. when we were together, no * one could stop us, the hottest * goddamned team the army ever saw. * but things changed, i woke up. we're fighting them in a dozen goddamned countries. it's a fight we can't lose, dutch. we're all expendable assets, can't you see that? are you all right? she goes with us. she's too valuable. she's got to know their whole network. the whole set up. we take her with us. * you're still under orders, dutch. you want to make the call, or should i? it's a long walk back, make it easy on yourself. yeah, what is it, sergeant? thanks. shit. come on. try that again. please. * watch her. that isn't what she said. she said. . she doesn't make sense. they did the same thing to davis. the wound all fused, cauterized. what the hell did this? blazer one, say again. roger, blazer one. 1030 hours. damn, bastards. we're still too far in, they won't risk coming in for us. i can accept that, it comes with the job. mac. who hit us today? what, sergeant? ask her again. what did she see? what happened to hawkins? he's losing his cool. there's nothing out there but a couple of men that we're going to have to take down. you're wastin' your time. what the hell do you think you're doing? what are you talking about? we'll be out of here in ten * minutes. * that rendezvous is ten maybe * twelve miles, at most! we're * almost home. but the chopper * won't wait. i'm tellin' you, this little * 'boy scout' stunt is a * godamned waste of time. * * we've got to get the hell out * of here, now, while we've still * got the chance. now what, dutch. you going to send your mystery guest an invitation? what'll you try next -- cheese? satisfied? now let's get the hell out. what is god's name? no way, dutch. i'm going. you get these people and get the hell out of here. guess i've picked up some bad habits from you, dutch. now don't argue with me, you know i'm right. get to that chopper and hold it for us. we'll be along. you know me, dutch, i never did know when to quit. right behind you. mac? i see it! we're gonna take this thing. take a position over there. i'll work around towards you. when i flush him, you nail him. we both got scores to settle. mac. mac.