ain't no way for a soldier to die. time to let 'ol 'painless' out of the bag. you're ghostin' on me, mother fokaaa!. i don't care who you are back in the world. you give away our position again and i'll bleed you quiet and leave your fuckin' ass right here. got it? no. shithead with his trenchcoat and dee-coda-da ring was makin' enough noise to get us all waxed. i don't like that guy. don't like him at my back. i ain't winding up like those bastards back there. as always, bro. we found 'em both, dead. and the gear from the chopper. if they're central american, i'm a fuckin' chinaman. by * the looks of 'em, i'd say our * cabinet minister and his aide * are cia. another thing, major, we were lucky. couple of those guys we waxed are russians, military advisors by the look of it. something big was about to happen here. hey, dillon, over here. dillon, over here. anytime. i've seen some badass bush before, but nothin' like this, man. little taste 'o home? can't say, major. been squirrely all mornin'. fuckin' weird. sometimes i think that nose of his is too good. smells things that ain't there. contact, 30 right!!! i. saw it. i saw it. i don't know. goddamn it, something. i saw something. . yessir. i'll take him. we've got most of the flares, frags. and two claymores just outside. nothin's comin' close to here without trippin' on somethin'. the best friend i ever had. good-bye, bro. don't know, only saw one of 'em. camouflaged. he was there. . those fucking eyes. those eyes. disappeared. but i know one thing, major. . i drew down and fired right at it. capped-off two hundred rounds and then the mini-gun; the full pack. nothin'. nothin' on this earth could have lived. not at that range. i've got the first watch. it's the same kinda jungle, bro, same moon. everything. . a real number ten night. remember bro? only you and me, the only one's out of the whole fuckin' platoon who made it out. we walked out on top of 'em. not a scratch, not a fuckin' scratch. no fuckin' chili-choker got to you, bro. you were just too good. i promise you this, bro. whoever he is, i hope he's plannin' to hit us again. 'cause he's got my name on 'em. got the motherfucker. a pig. just a fucking pig. come on, you motherfucker! out there. past the rocks. can you see it? right, i got a score to settle for the bro.