get that stinkin' thing out of my face, blain! the pilots have each got one round in the head. and whoever hit it stripped the shit out of it. there's something else, major. i don't think that was any ordinary army taxi. looks more like a surveillance bird to me. holy mother. must have run into the guerrillas . fucking animals. you're hit. you're bleedin', man. hell, dude, we don't have all day. what's your problem, dude? don't try it. you should put her on a leash, agent man. if you can't handle her, just say the word. major, you'd better take a look at this. i can't tell. i think it's hawkins. there's no sign of it. she says. the jungle came alive, and took him. couple of sappers been trailing us all the way from the camp, major. billy heard them. she set us up, ran for it. they were waiting. i should've wasted the bitch when i had the chance. nothing. the same thing. not a fucking trace. no bodies, blood, anything. shit load o' good a chopper'd do us in here anyway. she says the same thing. it was the jungle. you know something billy, what is it? bullshit. you ain't afraid of no man. holy shit, mac. came in through the trip wires, took it right out from under our noses. how could anyone get through this, carry blain out, right * under our noses without leavin' * a trace? why didn't he try to kill one of us last night? i can make it, major.