left pocket. it's unacceptable. draymen heux has offered me seventy-five in the pool at sixteen and a half. i can secure the other half personally. you have until tomorrow morning to make me a better offer. the meeting is over, gentlemen. maybe i should have made it rhyme. well! it's late. we've been at this long enough. gentlemen, enjoy the party. the magician's wonderful. watch your left pocket. we're about to find out. go on. take care of your guests. where are you, cynthia? i see. no, i don't expect you to be at my beck-and-call. are you coming or not? prepare the filing papers. have them ready by the middle of the week. i'll tell you when to submit them. yes! wouldn't miss it. i want this done fast and easy. no slip-ups. i want to be back in new york by saturday. got it? give me your car keys, will you, i'm going back to my hotel. apologize to elizabeth for me. really? some high class gold digger who speaks french better than i do? no, thank you. i just got off the phone with one. no. love this car! is it new? excuse me. what's that? uh, no. how do i get to beverly hills? yes. no, you look like a hooker. good. can you tell me how to get to beverly hills? that's ridiculous. why don't you just do it out of the kindness of your heart? sit-and-spin. alright. why not? you have change for a twenty. no. not exactly. if you can figure it out, be my guest. very good. you're obviously mechanical. new york. hotel. regent beverly wilshire. i bet you know it. what's your name? you like being a hooker, vivian? so do day jobs. must be dangerous. hooking. very good. you ought to have that printed up on your business card. sorry. if i did, i didn't mean to. ugly habit, biting your nails. what do you charge for company, vivian? for the whole night? you're joking. neither do i. a hundred bucks an hour though. that's pretty stiff. vivian, how much to put up with me for the entire night? try me. fine. edward. my name is edward. get in. this side. you know how to drive a stick? then let's go. it's worth 300 just so i don't have to drive. my raincoat's in the back. put it on. you may feel more comfortable. this is not the kind of place that rents rooms by the hour. every place has hookers, but if this hotel has hookers, they don't look like they're. exactly. good evening. penthouse. room service. what do you drink? send up a bottle of crystal champagne. -- and a bowl of strawberries. thank you. impressed? want to know something? i don't quite know. i hadn't planned this. always. fair enough. let's talk some more first. uh-huh. and why do you say that? sounds like you've known a lot of lawyers. champagne. where would we like it? here'll be fine. i think he wanted you to tip him. i have both. they should be. they're both good at it. it's a very good year. try a strawberry. because they bring out the flavor of the champagne. vivian. the meter's running. cooperate. you really are a very beautiful girl. yes. what do you like? it's open. sorry. go ahead. i want to. i'll see him alone. everyone knows you're my muscle. we'll make it social. tell kross i'll meet him for dinner. tonight if you can arrange it. bill, we're businessmen, not the damn mafia. i'll see you in the office. by the way, about your car. i'll bring it back. good morning. no hurry. would you like some breakfast? did you sleep well? occupational hazard? i took the couch. i had some work to do. about last night. mmm, i could tell. i'd say you give a good dollar value. do you ever. enjoy it? no? why's that? i buy companies. the one i'm buying this week will cost around 150 million. i sell them. by breaking up a company's assets vivian -- assets are anything of value a company owns. sometimes the pieces are worth more than the whole. by selling them off, i make a profit. not. quite. where'd you learn to do this? don't drown. yes. i'm a big boy. i'm here. i have one. all right. how much for the week? i'm in town until saturday. do-you-want-to-stay-here- for-the-week? of course. how much? vivian, may i point out five more nights at three hundred a night is only 1,500. all right, two thousand. done. i'm not just talking about sex. three thousand for five days. and vivian, i will let you go. i'll be out most of the day. i want you to go out and buy some decent clothes. nothing too flashy, not too sexy. conservative. understand? think again. i'm taking you out to an important dinner with me tonight. probably. what's that long building over there? not with those smokestacks it's not. you what? don't bother. we don't have the time to bring someone new up to speed. besides. you've already impressed everyone you need to, haven't you? i want our lawyers to check into the toxic waste licences on them right away. i want to know if the permits are still valid and what kind of limits are on them. what time's diner tonight? no one you know. never answer the phone. ever. did you buy some clothes? just one? christ. i hope it's appropriate. let's hope so. you'll get some more clothes tomorrow. i'll be pushed for time so meet me in the hotel lobby at seven forty-five sharp. got it? this isn't a date. the rex. i think you'll approve. thank you very much. i thought i told you not to answer the phone. of course, yes. if you'll excuse me just a moment -- my what? i think we both know she's not my niece. thank you. i'm sorry. please don't patronize me, mr. kross. our ages mean nothing here. twenty-five percent. what do you suggest, mr. kross? to get me in a mood to sell -- double what i paid. but your company doesn't have enough capital right now to buy anything. you're not getting any navy contracts. but i do know. i also know your lines of credit are over-extended. if i don't buy your company, someone else will. ah, the escargot. snails. mr. kross, i'm not here to sell you my stock. on the contrary, i'm here to buy yours. no. what i have is a lot of money. what i did with those companies was perfectly legal. it is not your company. it's a public company. and i am going to acquire it. either i buy from the other stock holders, or i buy from you. we can reach an understanding on this. do what you have to do. i don't take it personally. and that's the way the game is played. no. bring a check, please. thank you. upset. no. i never get upset about business. whether i liked him or not is irrelevant. it's business. there's no emotion involved in business. if you want to survive. that. is very good. television? i have work to do. wake up, vivian. time to shop. i still don't understand why you only bought one dress. why not? was someone rude to you? vivian, you belong wherever you are. i don't care how you were dressed, they were the ones who were wrong, not you. good. he's a tough old son of a bitch. offer nine and a half. bring them back down to earth. someone's loaning it to him. get on it right away. put the pension funds on hold until i say otherwise. i want the treatment plant licenses to be top priority right now. do it. you're on your own now, vivian. i've got to get to work. be sensible and you can keep everything. spend too much and it all goes back. come on, bill, don't talk to me about how much money's involved. it's my money. get the bank on the phone for me. thank you. i would. nice. please. dinner can wait. no. easier than learning how to be poor. my father's family was wealthy. when i was young there were cars and houses, private schools, nannies. but then my father divorced my mother to marry another woman. and he took his money with him. not much to tell. i went to public school. went to university on scholarship. went to work for an investment firm. in eight years i owned it. my father was chairman of the board of the third company i ever went after. i swallowed that company and shit out the pieces. one of the pieces was him. he died a long time ago. i think it's exciting. i really doubt anyone here frequents hollywood boulevard. bill, i'd like you to meet vivian. he's good at what he does. shall we mingle? she is, isn't she. i'm sure that's true for some of them. ready to stomp sod? we just did. the night i left your house, i was lost. i was looking for directions. yes. vivian's in sales. why do you want to know? she met him at dinner last night. i like this tie. you're being ridiculous. christ, bill, she's not a spy, she's a hooker. i picked her up off hollywood boulevard. let's drop it, shall we? excuse me a moment. you're awfully quiet. you haven't said a word since the party. vivian, what the -- i don't know what you're talking about. would you please calm down. tell me what happened. what was i supposed to do? i told the truth. why should the truth upset you? it's not as if you're from a convent. can we talk about this? can you just try to calm down? vivian. fine. i'm only here a couple of more days and i'm not going to spend them fighting with you. i'll call you a cab. if you want the clothes, pack them up. vivian. i'm sorry. i wasn't prepared for questions about us. it was an idiotic and insensitive thing i did. i should have known that it would hurt you. i really am sorry. i'll make it up to you. bill? stop panicking. kross isn't going anywhere and i don't need to spend the rest of the day watching his stock go down. i'll be in the office tomorrow. goodbye, bill. afternoon. hmm. let's see. no, there's something missing. i don't want you to get too excited. these are on loan. however. this is made for a princess. i think she'd approve of you wearing it tonight. there. come look. shush. of course you can. you won't. i'll guard them and you with my life. very good. you don't want to go all the way to san francisco in a limousine, do you? i don't. to meet some friends. rudolpho, a poet. benoit, a landlord. mimi, a flower maker. the opera. i'm glad you like it. now be quiet, i've really got to read these. vivian, what do you think you're doing? vivian. i'm paying you to be you. be you. have you? ever been in love with anyone? what happened to him? some people say that opera is an acquired taste, but i don't believe it. you can always tell when someone goes to the opera for the first time. they either love it or hate it. those who love it will always love it; those who hate it might come to appreciate it, but they'll never truly love it. viv? i really doubt if anyone here is going to try and grab it. they all think you look very beautiful, vivian. i'll whisper some of the main parts of the story to you. but you'll be surprised how much you understand. the music conveys the story more powerfully than any words. vivian, don't be afraid of what you don't know. that's the fun of it. what am i? i am a poet. not a man of wealth but one rich in dreams. you have come to replace my vanished dreams. i dwell now only in your eyes. and now she asks rudolpho if he still thinks her beautiful -- if you'd gone on about how much you liked it, i'm not sure i'd have believed you. i know. i'm glad. yes. i've never enjoyed it more. thank you. yes? i'm up. why? give me twenty minutes. better get dressed. we're having guests. one more night and you're finally rid of me. i have to go to new york tomorrow. it wouldn't be like that. i want to get you off the street. you'll have a different kind of life. what's wrong with that? vivian, i've thought about this a lot. this is the best solution. vivian, life's not a fairy tale. i've never treated you like a whore. how are you, mr. kross. expected. offer. you're making the right decision, sir. excuse me, please? what do you mean? vivian, i want you to listen to me. the man realized that it would be better for his future and his son's future, if he cooperated. it's not your concern. it's. business, that's all. yes. the man made a business decision. it's what i do for a living. it's how i make money. i'll be back in a few hours. we'll talk about this later. we'll continue this down at the office. what? who indeed. stop. for just a moment. mr. kross, i'd like to ask you a few questions before you sign. you realize that you're a target. if you weren't mine, you'd be someone elses, correct? if you had a. reprieve, what would do? let him answer. how? i suppose you'd find out soon enough that you have assets you presently don't seem aware of, wouldn't you? the waste processing licenses at that abandoned shipyard of yours, you'd certainly find out about that. i suppose you'd use them as collateral on new loans, wouldn't you? this time i imagine you would, yes. hmm. with all this in mind, mr. kross, i can't logically make a formal bid on your company, can i? you're very right. i think the best thing we could all do is go home. have a good day, gentlemen. no. take the car back to the hotel. i need to walk. i think i broke my hand. you're fired. and i don't like what we've become. i'll cover any losses you have on this one. now get out, you asshole! yes. well, i didn't plan that! not all men hit. and no one is going to hit you anymore. it was a business decision. i got tired of hating my father. it felt good. you're packing. stay with me tonight. not because you're being paid to. stay with me because you want to. vivian. that's everything. yes. she go. yes. i'm looking for a girl, vivian, young, dark hair, big eyes? she's mouthy. sort of difficult? thank you. no.