so young man, i understand you are trying to take over my company. mr. harris, i built kross enterprises myself. i know every man who ever worked there by his first name. i know their wives. and their children. if your intention is to take over my company and turn it into a glorified real estate deal, think again. what would it take to buy our stock back? name your price. you've got a lot of nerve. i know all about you, mr. harris. when you buy companies, they have a way of disappearing. even the pension funds are stripped clean. the last three companies you took over were cut up in so many pieces, widows were left without their retirement checks. i don't question the legality of what you do. it's your morality that makes me sick. i will not allow my company to be raped by a man like you. if you'll excuse me young lady, mr. harris. deal with this, david, you know where we stand. i need to go someplace and puke. mr. harris. not bad for a man who hasn't slept in four nights. i'll get used to it. young lady. yes. i'm here to tell you that i've reconsidered my position on your acquisition offer. of course, yes. after the expected filing period is over, i'm going to recommend to the board that we accept your bid. i'll see you on one condition. i'm not so concerned for me but the people who have worked for me. i'll sign anything you want then. today. could we at least wait till after the filing period? it's in my best interest to cooperate, david. he's young. he hasn't learned how to lose gracefully yet. i'll sign your papers. and i'll answer your questions. whatever you want. yes. i. i would take advantage of it. i. i don't know. there. there wasn't time. quiet. would i get the loans? you'd be initiating a financial battle you'd ultimately lose, mr. harris.