may i help you miss? you're a guest here? and who is that? do you know this young lady? mr. harris? why don't you come with me. we'll chat for just a moment. what's your name? miss vivian. things that go on in other hotels don't happen at the regent beverly wilshire. of course. naturally when mr. harris leaves, i won't see you in this hotel again. women's clothing. bridget, please. i rather hoped you'd be wearing it. that's all right. i'm sure they're quite lovely. you're very welcome, miss vivian. what is it, miss vivian? it's a bit beyond my. range, shall we say. i think you'll find it normal enough. you'll like it fine. just mind which fork you use. in fifteen minutes i can teach you everything you need to know to dine with the queen. first, as you pick up the knife you shift your fork to the left hand. either you're european or badly brought up. actually, some of the richest people i know have the worst manners. of course, mr. harris, being of old money, knows his way around a table. all right now, pay attention please. salad fork. they will serve salad. then you use your soup spoon. then you would use your-- miss vivian -- miss vivian. there's a salon here in the hotel. instead of worrying unnecessarily about table manners, why don't you just have your hair done instead? good evening, mr. harris. barnard thomas, manager of the hotel. i have a message for you from your "niece", sir. the young lady staying in your room? mr. harris, a guest of yours, is a guest of ours and shall be treated accordingly. the young lady asked me to tell you that she is waiting for you in the lounge. very intriguing young woman, miss vivian. good afternoon, mr. harris. barnard thomas here. miss vivian, i wonder if you might come down to the front desk. there's someone here to see you. i'd send them up, but sadly, i don't trust the young lady to find you on her own. miss vivian. mr. harris doesn't check out until tomorrow. you're not accompanying him to new york? certain ladies make that very easy. vivian. john, call a limousine for our guest, please. have it take her anywhere she wishes to go. bill the hotel. see you again sometime soon.