this is a "no brainer". there's no risk for you. no one has ever lost money backing mr. harris. come on. you know we're not going to go into ship building. besides, you're the ones with the troubled track record, not us! hah! did you see the look on their faces? no way! they'll come back. they can't afford not to. edward, that bluff was beautiful. cynthia? is she coming out? oh. hi, honey. millicent, uh, uh, millicent. lowell, right. my wife, elizabeth. what's up, where you going? at least stay for a drink. this party's for you. listen, there're some major local talent inside just dying to meet you. cynthia's not coming? let your driver take you. we'll move the cars. can you drive a stick? edward, give me a break! yes! and you don't even know where you're going! that's the wrong way! kross knows we're after his company. he wants to talk with you. i don't think you should. edward, if the three of us sit down together we might as well announce our plans in the wall street journal. you shouldn't go alone. he might claim that you tried to black mail him. oh, god, what? edward, it's me. kross is all set for tonight. listen, i gotta say this again, i don't like you going alone. let me at least get you a date. keep it social. edward, did you hear me? i know a lot of nice girls. prime industrial property straddling the port of long beach and los angeles. it gives me a hard-on. what kind of an idiot are you? you don't talk about this to anyone. where did you dig this moron up? what!? jesus, yes. it's a long shot but if the permits are still in effect, they're worth a fortune. eight o'clock. kross is bringing his son. very bright kid, watch yourself with him. who's this girl you're taking? goddamit! where is he getting the money to fight? our contract guys are working on the kross pension funds. there's another forty million there. we can bleed'm dry. we're letting them slide? but, edward. you were right. kross mortgaged everything he has down to his grandson's college tuition to secure loans from a bank. not just any bank. one we do business with. excuse me for saying this but what is wrong with you this week? first, you go soft on the pension funds. now, you're giving him the chance to get away? as of two minutes ago, you are committed to the tune of over fifty million dollars -- and some of it's mine. edward, his jugular's exposed. edward! well, well, well. bill stuckey, vivian. my wife, elizabeth. lots of fun people here. let me get you two some champagne. fill me in on this. how'd you and vivian meet? come on, you can tell me. i sure would like to know where a guy runs into a girl as attractive as this. and you just happened to run into her. great. what's she do? she work? doing what? sales, really? that's great. what does she sell? hear me out. i've known you a long time. i see a difference in you this week. like that tie. i'm suddenly wondering if this girl's not the difference. especially when i see her talking with david kross. so now they're best friends? edward, this girl appears out of nowhere and now i see her talking to a guy whose company we're trying to buy. it's too convenient. industrial espionage is not ridiculous. edward, how do you know she hasn't attached herself to you so she can bring kross back information? i swear to god, you are the only millionaire i ever heard of who'd go looking for a goddam bargain streetwalker! having a good time, vivian? all this must be quite a change from hollywood boulevard. it's okay. edward told me. your secret's safe with me. i just might do that. this is no time to disappear. we're in too far. promise me you'll read those contracts by then. shit. by tomorrow, edward! did i wake you? i had to call. i jus got off the phone with james kross. get this. he wants to see you. today. he wouldn't say. edward. i think we got him. his nuts are on the block and we got him. you there? we'll be there. listen, if he's really caving in, we'll go from there down to the office. i want him to commit his stock to us this morning. let's not waste time here, shall we? mr. kross, you said this morning, you wished to speak with mr. harris. mr. harris is now listening. they'll be taken care of. won't they, edward? today. if we can get these letters of intent out of the way now. mr. harris and i would like to ask you some questions about your company. mr. harris is preparing a bid based on our speculation of the corporation's net worth. the price he ultimately pays for your father's stock will be based on that bid. the more we know, the higher our bid can be. that's unfair! i don't think there's any sense in -- oh, my god. edward, no! have you lost your mind? what!? edward, what happened? what kind of move was that? dammit edward, speak to me. well, well. hello again. i'm looking for edward. no, i'll just have to wait then, won't i? do you want to know what he did? do you want to know what the crazy son of a bitch did? he handed the whole thing back to kross! on a silver platter. for no reason! what was he thinking, i mean, what was going through his goddam head? why? what was all that benevolent crap? what are we going to become, a philanthropic foundation? i'll probably be the director of several worthwhile charities. i bet. a lousy whore and you're the gum in a hundred million dollar deal. but what do i know, maybe you're worth it. come on, show me. let's see your act. don't worry. i'll pay for it. what a you charge? huh? twenty, thirty, fifty bucks, maybe? are you a fifty dollar whore? you got a mean streak in you, don't you. you broke my nose. edward, we've been together ten years. all this because of that whore! edward, think about what you're