yeah, what? don't give me that. kit gave it to you yesterday, cash. you bullshittin' me? chan, you seen kit tonight? you do, tell her i'm looking for her. yeah, you too, d'nai. if kit comes in here, tell her stay. you spent it on drugs, didn't you? did you blow it all, kit? is it all gone? i bet. that was our rent! beat it, scum bucket! let's go. get out of my face or i'll have those cops on your ass in two seconds. we worked for that money. we were gonna put together enough to get out of that dump we live in, get off this street. i just saw somebody pulled out of a dumpster. i wonder how much she made tonight? i thought you were giving up that drug shit. no, let's go to work. okay? looks slow tonight. forget it. we work for it. we keep it. that crack is burning a hole in your pocket. there isn't even milk in the fridge. the rent's due. now come on -- he's not gonna want us. okay. go home. but take it easy on that shit. hey sugar, you lookin' for a date? you looking' for some company? what? you gonna tell me you're lost? great. what do i look like a tourguide? actually, i'm a movie star out for a walk. sure. for five bucks. the price just went up to ten. sit. and spin. for twenty, ill show you personal. drive. nice car. yours? stolen? mind if i turn on some heat? you're not from l.a., huh? what motel you staying at? okay, what hotel? yeah, i peed in the fountain there once. give me a break. what do you want it to be? vivian, my name's vivian. it pays. day jobs, yeah. i've tried them. turn right. tell me about it. l.a. is suffering from a wacko epidemic. and who knows where half the guys i pick up have been. i mean, i use condoms. always. and i get checked out once a month at the free clinic. not only am i better in the sack than an amateur, i'm probably safer. if you're making fun of me, i don't like it. you don't know habits, you think this is ugly. okay, pull over. let me out. i've got to get back to work. company would cost you. a hundred dollars. for an hour. i never joke about money. no, but it's getting there. you couldn't afford it. three hundred. what's your name, lover. edward. you got it! what? better believe it. here we go edward. why? you mean they don't have hookers. off the boulevard. great. now i took like a hooker in a trenchcoat. so let's go. penthouse. my, my. the penthouse. and step on it. diet coke. can i have some chips? you kidding? i come here all the time. as a matter of fact they do rent this room by the hour. do you plan everything? well, the meter's running, it's your money. speaking of which, cash'll do. in advance. right. so! in town on business? let me guess, you're a. lawyer. i dunno. you have that sharp, useless look. i've known a lot of everybody. hey. i might as well make myself useful. where would we like it? what are you looking at? tsk. excuse me, i didn't think he had change for a hundred. where are they? shopping together? oooh, thank god. why? jesus, you act like you're seducing some valley girl you picked up in a dance club. just a romantic, that's you. me too. if i want you to turn me on i'll pay you three hundred. just lay back and let me drive. you didn't wake me. i'll be out of here in a minute. only if you do. yeah. too good. i forgot where i was. where'd you go? oooh, baby, you were the best. i was beside myself. i just hope it was worth three hundred bucks. i like guys if that's what you're asking. not that i trust'm. "occupational hazard". no shit. they expensive? dollars? so what a ya do with the companies once you buy'm? what? why? what are assets? c'mon, i might buy a company some day. sorta like stealing cars and selling'm for parts, huh? there, see? now the emblem is right in the middle of the knot. i fucked the debate team in high school. tsk. i had a grampa. he liked ties on sundays. you mind if i take a swim in your bathtub before i hit it? you could hold a pep rally in here! what? it'd cost you. five full nights. days too? four thousand. but you want days too. three. holy shit. look butthead, i'll treat you so nice you'll never want to let me go, okay? yeah, you want me to dress like your high class girlfriend. you're wasting your money though. all i'm gonna do is hang around the hotel. as a matter of fact, i may never get out of that bathtub. what? are you crazy? three thousand. three thousand! kit! where've you been? kit, listen, the guy last night, the one in the ferrari, i'm at this hotel, the regent beverly wilshire, it's this absolutely unbelievable place and he's hired me for a whole week and kit, listen, he's paying me three thousand bucks! we can get out of the apartment. we can get out of this town. we can do anything! kit? hey, you there? he. he just does. three hundred for last night and he gave me extra to buy some clothes. now listen, i'm gonna leave an envelope for you at the front desk. give me two hundred to the scum bucket and the other hundred to that asshole landlord for part of the rent. spend it on drugs and i'll pull your hair out. hey kit, where do i go for the clothes? good stuff on him. yeah. i'm just looking, thanks. yes. something. conservative. you have beautiful things. how much is this? i didn't ask if it would fit. i asked how much it was. what is with you? i'm going to spend money. i'm just going to my room. i'm -- i'm with a friend. i. edward. he knows me. vivian. niece? that's what i was trying to do. barney. georgia. well. i might be going out to dinner. i dunno. do thigh high, leather boots go with a cocktail dress? he's not really my uncle. i got a dress. i didn't want to get it messed. i got shoes too. wanna see? they were real nice to me there. they treated me, y'know. nice. thanks, barney. hello? tsk, believe me, this will be the last time. i got a dress, yeah. it's very tasteful. i think you'll especially like the zipper in the crotch. i'm -- joking. no, i don't "got it". even the farmboys back in georgia come to the door when they're taking you on a date. go by yourself then. where you taking me anyway? any good? all right. i'll meet you in the lobby. but only cause you're paying me to. hello? oooh! what? okay. is there a trick to it? is that all? you just fold back the bedspread? oooh, i love those. thanks! consuelo, are all rich people so lazy they can't do this on their own? barney. edward is taking me to some fancy place for dinner. the rex. ever been there? yeah, mine too. is it like, y'know, normal? will i like it? okay. thanks, barney. you're the best. fork? but i always eat like this. hmmm. i vonder vich. what if they serve soup? but what if they serve soup? i like steak. steak spoon! maybe i'll just order a burger, barney, that way i can eat with my hands. professionally? i have a friend who has a friend who does cher's wigs. yeah. what a ya say we chop it all off and bleach the tips. you're late. you're forgiven. scume me, what are these things? slippery little suckers. he seems like a nice man. some game. screwin' some poor slob out of his retirement. snails for dinner. no wonder everybody is in such a bad mood. you're upset, huh? you liked the guy, though. we're the exactly the same! kit keeps telling me don't get emotional when you turn tricks -- that's why no kissing -- it's too personal. the key is like you're saying, stay numb, don't get involved -- when i'm with a guy, i'm a robot, i just do it. except with you. at your price i give my all. know what we're gonna do in a little while then? we're gonna call domino's and have'm deliver a bigass pizza. we're gonna eat it in bed. we're gonna veg' out and watch television. yeah, it's this box, it has pictures, sound. you don't have to use your brain at all. uh-uh. no work. i wasn't as much fun as i thought it was going to be. well, you know those cold bitches that work in those stores and try to intimidate you? it works. i had a little problem in one store. i wasn't dressed right. i don't know what to say. i don't belong there. maybe i'll just go back to bridget. she was cool. okay. come with me? please. hello. can you help me? i'm looking for a dress, nothing too flashy, not too sexy, conservative. in a size six. i look like fucking nancy reagan. not me! horrid! where'd you get your tie? 'scume me. do you remember me? i was in here yesterday. yeah. that's right. it's me. i want you to know something. you made me feel terrible. i wasn't dressed right and you said i didn't belong here. well, i do. you're the one that was wrong, not me. and i want to tell you something else. i'm never gonna shop here again as long as i live. wheee!!! hi. i thought maybe you'd like dinner. wait till you see what i have on underneath. what about dinner? you always been rich? seems like it. i guess it's easy to get used to, huh? keep talkin'. i like hearin'. you still mad at'm? hi, baby. i'll be ready. bye. what do you wear to polo? you're really pushing it, bringing me here. what id we run into someone i know? you did. hi. real genuine guy. you could freeze ice on his wife's ass. she anything like your ex? this old thing? i lead a very physical life. i'm into walking. i walk a lot. well, i do often spa there. edward, these women here, i don't think any of'm like the guys they're with. they're just into it for the money. i thought i was the pro. these women make me feel like an amateur. hi. i never thought stomping in grass could be so much fun. huh? oh. yeah. s'okay? uhm. how're. business things going. please, we hardly know each other. no. it's. it's not like that. you don't know anything about me. yeah. thanks. what? yeah. sure. why not. call me at the regent beverly wilshire. you asshole! i can't believe what a --! clean the slut up, take her out, huh?! what are you trying to prove!? i'm not a piece of meat for you to offer to your friends! i've been with stinking old men who've made me want to puke but i've never had anyone make me feel as dirty as you did tonight. stuckey! he wants an "appointment" with me after you leave. you my pimp now or did he think that up on his own? i want my fucking money. i'm getting out of here. i don't want anything more to do with you. your goddamned friend, he thinks the only reason i'm with you is for the money. well, it's true. just pay me what you owe me and i'm gone. pay me! before i pick up this chair and smash your face in. fuck off. i'm not hurt. it doesn't hurt you when somebody pisses on you, it just pissed you off. you hurt me. c'mon, kit. do i look okay? what's that? edward, i can't. what if i lose it? what if someone tries to steal it? plane? where are you taking me!? huh? i've never been on a plane before. being quiet. you ever been in love with anyone? sorry. you're not paying me to ask you question like that. you mean, besides elvis? i'm a human being. sure. once. first time i ever ran away from home, i got as far as atlanta. i met this boy. he'd been with his parents on their way to chicago. they stopped at a gas station. he went to the john. when he came back they'd split. we sorta started looking out for each other. aw, he was sweet. and boy, was he good looking, y'know, dark hair and eyes. the chicken hawks were on him all the time. he hated that. sometimes we'd find a safe place to crash nights and we'd curl up together and we'd talk about all these crazy things. the two of us getting married someday. having kids. stupid stuff. my father found me. dragged me home. i don't know why, he never seemed to like me much when i was there. 'cept when he was drunk, then he liked me a whole lot. i made it back to atlanta a year later. andy was gone. aw, but things sure look fine when you're sitting way up high. if it's in italian, how will i know what they're saying? but don't they have it in english? okay. even if i hate it, i'm glad you brought me. it was so beautiful i just about pissed my pants. i more than liked it. did you? love you. mmm. hi. here. let me. yeah, you've been pretty tough to take. what else? you gonna leave some cash by the bed when you pass through town? i'm sorry. that's very sweet, edward, and i know you mean it. when i was a little girl, my mother locked me in the attic when i was bad, which was pretty often. i'd stare out the window up there and make believe i was a princess trapped in the tower by the wicked queen. then suddenly a knight on a white horse with his bright colors flying would ride up. rescue me from the tower, and then we'd ride off. but never, ever in all the times i had that dream did the knight say, "come on baby, i'll put you up in a great condo." i know. hey, don't mind me. i'm being stupid. i'll think about it, okay? it's a real good offer for a whore. you just did. hello. hi. hello. is kit deluca there? when she comes in will you have her call vivian wells at 560-30000. yes. okay. what did you do to him? last time i saw him he was this strong guy. now he's beaten. and you liked him. right. business. it's all just business to you. him. me. your life. everything's business. lo? me? yes, i'm glad you're clean but i've been calling and calling. who did you think? kit, i left that money for you days ago. kit. yeah. i know what you mean. you think i fit here where they just about chew your food for you? i kissed him, kit. on the mouth. i know. i stopped pretending and started liking it with him for real. it was great. he wants to set me up in a place, give me some money. all i'm doing is feeling lousy about it. i don't know what to do. what do i do, kit? i don't care about bucks. i might love this guy. edward's not back. i thought he was with you. no. i think it's great. aw, come on, bill. it's just business. get out! are you crazy? why do guys always know how to hit a woman? right across the cheek, wham, so it feels like your eye is gonna explode. what do they do, take you all aside in high school and show you how? it pisses me off! right. you're quite the sir galahad today, aren't ya'? i heard what you did with kross. it was good. i'm leaving. don't ya see? if i stay with you like you want me to, there'll always be some guy, your friends eve, treatin' me like that. thinkin' they're allowed to. what are you gonna do, fight'm all? no. i'll take my money now, please. aw, don't. no. i do. i do want to. that's why i'm leaving. that's what you given me, see? i know what i want now. i want a guy like you for real. not because you buy me things and give me money. the nicest thing you ever done for me is hold my hand. you gonna give me that? i didn't think so. it's not your fault. you're right. kit's right. but i want the fairy tale. thanks. i'll be out front in a minute. i got a cab comin'. hi, barney! look i just wanted to say goodbye. yeah, well, i check out today. come on, barney, you and me live in the real world. you don't know how to treat a girl like anything but a lady, mr. thomas. yes. 1312. it's a big apartment building. i'll be okay. i'm home. thank you. yeah, it's me. get a job and probably go back to school. figure out what i'm gonna be. school, school. regular. i used to get pretty good grades in school, you know. want a pair of boots? you sure you won't come with me? couple a hours. cool your jets a second. here's some money. i want to. for food, got it? eat something before the wind blows you away. you are really lost this time.