farm boy. polish my horse's saddle. i want to see my face shining in it by morning. farm boy. fill these with water -- --please. farm boy, fetch me that pitcher. i fear i'll never see you again. but what if something happens to you? but how can you be sure? i will never love again. there is nothing nearby; not for miles. despite what you think, you will be caught. and when you are, the prince will see you all hanged. still close to the boat, switching from a crawl to a silent breast stroke. the wind dies and as it does, something new is heard. a not-too-distant high-pitched shrieking sound. buttercup stops suddenly, treads water. treading water. only compared to some. who are you? to think -- all that time it was your cup that was poisoned. if you'll release me . whatever you ask for ransom . you'll get it, i promise you. i was giving you a chance. no matter where you take me . there's no greater hunter than prince humperdinck. he could track a falcon on a cloudy day. he can find you i never said he was my dearest love. and yes, he will save me. that i know. he knows i do not love him. i have loved more deeply than a killer like yourself could ever dream. being spun into camera view, falling heavily as the man in black releases her. we are at the edge of an almost sheer ravine. the drop is sharp and severe. below, the ravine floor is flat, but getting there would not be half the fun. i know who you are -- your cruelty reveals everything. you're the dread pirate roberts; admit it. you can die slowly cut into a thousand pieces. you killed my love. no. a farm boy. poor. poor and perfect, with eyes like the sea after a storm. and probably, if she did not hate roberts so, there would be tears. on the high seas, your ship attacked, and the dread pirate roberts never takes prisoners. you mock my pain! nothing you can say will upset me. and what am i? you mocked me once, never do it again -- i died that day! and while his attention is on the dust cloud, rising high, she pushes him with all the strength she has. you can die too, for all i care!! staring transfixed at what she has wrought. oh, my sweet westley; what have i done? bruised and torn, as westley crawls slowly toward her. move? you're alive. if you want, i can fly. well . you were dead. i will never doubt again. and westley has tried to say it with chevalier-like nonchalance, but she ain't buying. we'll never survive. you? but how is that possible, since he's been marauding twenty years and you only left me five years ago? what? -- go on -- placed against a tree. westley is cleaning the lightning sand from her face. he hesitates, glances around and we'll never succeed -- we may as well die here. westley, what about the r.o.u.s.'s? screaming and -- westley! relieved. we did it. looking from one to the other; then something else catches her eye and we -- looking the other way -- frantically staring around, and now will you promise not to hurt him? talking to them both. if we surrender, and i return with you, will you promise not to hurt this man? he is a sailor on the pirate ship "revenge." promise to return him to his ship. i thought you were dead once, and it almost destroyed me. i could not bear it if you died again, not when i could save you. and her face is sad. pallid, perhaps ill. she wanders down a corridor in florin castle. as she moves unseeing past an intersecting corridor: touched as before, but then she seems stunned as we why do you do this? but they would have killed westley if i hadn't done it. coming out of her nightmare, alone in her castle bedroom. as she frantically grabs a robe and starts to run. bursting into the prince's chambers. count rugen stands nearby. it comes to this: i love westley. i always have. i know now i always will. if you tell me i must marry you in ten days, please believe i will be dead by morning. my westley will always come for me. entering. any word from westley? he will come for me. every ship but your four fastest, you mean. every ship but the four you sent. staring at humperdinck. you never sent the ships. don't bother lying. it doesn't matter. westley will come for me anyway. yes, i am a silly girl, for not having seen sooner that you were nothing but a coward with a heart full of fear. why not? you can't hurt me. westley and i are joined by the bonds of love. and you cannot track that. not with a thousand bloodhounds. and you cannot break it. not with a thousand swords. and when i say you are a coward, that is only because you are the slimiest weakling ever to crawl the earth. in her bridal gown, and she's incredible. it's not just her beauty; there's a tranquillity about her now. should i be? i do not marry tonight. and she couldn't seem more serene. my westley will save me. here comes my westley now. then why is there fear behind your eyes? standing there. dazed. he didn't come. because you've always been so kind to me. and i won't be seeing you again since i'm killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite. shutting the door of the honeymoon suite, crossing quietly to the far wall where she sits at a table, opens a jeweled box, and takes out a very deadly looking dagger. she seems very much at peace as she touches the knife to her bosom. oh, westley, darling. westley, why won't you hold me? at a time like this that's all you can think to say? "gently?" oh, westley, will you ever forgive me? i got married. i didn't want to. it all happened so fast. what? but it did. i was there. this old man said, "man and wife." well, no, we sort of skipped that part. why does westley need helping?