who's guilder? you never said anything about killing anyone. i just don't think it's right, killing an innocent girl. fuss . fuss . i think he likes to scream at us. he's really very short on charm. yes, some of the time. if there are, we'll all be dead. anybody want a peanut? i only dog paddle. i thought i was going faster. well, i'm carrying three people. and he's got only himself. don't say that, vizzini. please. standing with inigo and buttercup by the cliff edge. he has very good arms. who goes to inigo. you be careful. -- people in masks cannot be trusted. what do i do? oh, good, my way. thank you, vizzini. which way is my way? my way's not very sportsmanlike. he moves into the mountain path. he has picked up another rock and holds it lightly. i did that on purpose. i don't have to miss. we face each other as god intended. sportsmanlike. no tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone. i could kill you now. it's not my fault being the biggest and the strongest. i don't even exercise. i just want you to feel you're doing well. i hate for people to die embarrassed. as he jumps forward with stunning speed for anyone his size and reaches for the man in black who drops to his knees, spins loose, and slips between the giant's legs. you're quick. why do you wear a mask? were you burned by acid, or something like that? i just figured out why you give me so much trouble. as he charges toward a huge rock that lines the path, and just as he reaches it he spins his giant body so that the entire weight of the charge is taken by the man in black. well, i haven't fought just one person for so long. i've been specializing in groups. battling gangs for local charities, that kind of thing. well . . you see, you use different moves when you're fighting half a dozen people than when you only have to be worried about one. and there isn't much breath coming. as the man in black turns him over, puts his ear to fezzik's heart. it beats. the man in black stands. hello. true! you don't look so good. you don't smell so good either. yeah? he's with the prince in the castle. but the castle gate is guarded by thirty men. i don't think more than ten. but vizzini's dead. -- what? -- -- where? but you don't know where he is. the man in black? everybody . move!! i'm sorry, inigo. i didn't mean to jog him so hard. inigo? he's dead. the body? i have a little. i'm on the brute squad. inigo -- there's more than thirty -- has it been fifteen minutes? how long do we have to wait before we know if the miracle works? guess not very long. you've been mostly dead all day. you've just wiggled your finger. that's wonderful. you just shook your head -- that doesn't make you happy? over the albino, i think. will this do? at miracle max's. it fit so nice, he said i could keep it. don't pester him, he's had a hard day. inigo. i hope we win. and he seems to be floating because he's standing in the wheelbarrow, as inigo, hidden behind him, busts a gut by pushing it and supporting westley. my men are here, and i am here, steps toward him. i can't leave him alone. i'll be right back. inigo! inigo, where are you? leading four great white horses. he glances up, sees them on the balcony. ah, there you are. inigo, i saw the prince's stables, and there they were, four white horses. and i thought, there are four of us, if we ever find the lad -- hello, lad -- so i took them with me, in case we ever bumped into each other. i guess we just did. don't worry -- i won't let it go to my head.