my people . a month from now, our country will have its 500th anniversary. on that sundown, i shall marry a lady who was once a commoner like yourselves -- -- but perhaps you will not find her common now. would you like to meet her? my people . the princess buttercup!! there was a mighty duel -- it ranged all over. they were both masters. the loser ran off alone. the winner followed those footprints toward guilder! the loser is nothing. -- only the princess matters -- -- clearly this was all planned by warriors of guilder. we must be ready for whatever lies ahead. i always think everything could be a trap -- which is why i'm still alive. someone has beaten a giant! there will be great suffering in guilder if she dies. iocane. i'd bet my life on it. and there are the princess's footprints. she is alive . or was, an hour ago. if she is otherwise when i find her, i shall be very put out. disappeared. he must have seen us closing in, which might account for his panicking in error. unless i'm wrong, and i am never wrong, they are headed dead into the fire swamp. surrender! i give you full marks for bravery --don't make yourself a fool. i tell you once again -- surrender! for the last time -- surrender! whirling to face her. what was that? may i live a thousand years and never hunt again. i swear it will be done. once we're out of sight, take him back to florin and throw him in the pit of despair. she's been like that ever since the fire swamp. it's my father's failing health that's upsetting her. my father's final words were. my father's final words were "love her as i loved her, and there will be joy." i present to you your queen. queen buttercup. i could never cause you grief; consider our wedding off. you returned this westley to his ship? then we will simply alert him. beloved, are you certain he still wants you? after all, it was you who did the leaving in the fire swamp. not to mention that pirates are not known to be men of their words. i suggest a deal. you write four copies of a letter. i'll send my four fastest ships. one in each direction. the dread pirate roberts is always close to florin this time of year. we'll run up the white flag and deliver your message. if westley wants you, bless you both. if not . please consider me as an alternative to suicide. are we agreed? oh, i know. the people are quite taken with her. it's odd, but when i hired vizzini to have her murdered on our engagement day, i thought that was clever. but it's going to be so much more moving when i strangle her on our wedding night. once guilder is blamed, the nation will be truly outraged. they'll demand we go to war. tyrone, you know how much i love watching you work. but, i've got my country's five hundredth anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and guilder to frame for it. i'm swamped. in his quarters, swamped. piles of papers are strewn all over. now yellin, a pale, shifty, quick-eyed man appears in the doorway. yellin. as chief enforcer of all florin, i trust you with this secret: killers from guilder are infiltrating the thieves' forest and plan to murder my bride on our wedding night. too soon, my angel. patience. of course. she will not be murdered. on the day of the wedding, i want the thieves' forest emptied and every inhabitant arrested. form a brute squad then. i want the thieves' forest emptied before i wed. try ruling the world sometime. rise and report. double it. my princess must be safe. ah! my dulcet darling. tonight we marry. tomorrow morning, your men will escort us to florin channel where every ship in my armada waits to accompany us on our honeymoon. yes. yes, of course. naturally, not those four. you're a silly girl. i-would-not-say-such things-if- iwere-you- jumping at her, yanking her by the hair, starting to pull her along, out of control, his words indistinct. iwouldnotsaysuchthingsifiwereyou! you truly love each other, and so you might have been truly happy. not one couple in a century has that chance, no matter what the storybooks say. and so i think no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will. you don't seem excited, my little muffin. brides often are, i'm told. skip to the end. your westley is dead. i killed him myself. man and wife -- say man and wife. escort the bride to the honeymoon suite -- i'll be there shortly. entering the room, staring at them. he pulls out his sword. a technicality that will shortly be remedied. but first things first. to the death. i don't think i'm quite familiar with that phrase. that may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me. gripping his sword, watching. -- and then my tongue, i suppose. i killed you too quickly the last time, a mistake i don't mean to duplicate tonight. -- and then my ears, i understand. let's get on with it and now he stops, and the look that was in his eyes at the wedding, that look of fear, is starting to return. doing his best to hide the fear that keeps building inside him. i think you're bluffing -- staring, eyes wide. and now be starts wrestling mightily with his bonds. i knew it! i knew you were bluffing! i knew he was bluffing.