who won? how did it end? shall we track them both? could this be a trap? i swear it will be done. come, sir. we must get you to your ship. well spoken, sir -- -- what is it? of course. yes. your princess is really a winning creature. a trifle simple, perhaps, but her appeal is undeniable. now, where is that secret knot? it's impossible to find. are you coming down into the pit? westley's got his strength back. i am starting him on the machine tonight. get some rest -- if you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything. beautiful, isn't it? it took me half a lifetime to invent it. i'm sure you've discovered my deep and abiding interest in pain. at present i'm writing the definitive work on the subject. so i want you to be totally honest with me on how the machine makes you feel. this being our first try, i'll use the lowest setting. as you know, the concept of the suction pump is centuries old. well, really, that's all this is. except that instead of sucking water, i'm sucking life. i've just sucked one year of your life away. i might one day go as high as five, but i really don't know what that would do to you. so, let's just start with what we have. what did this do to you? tell me. and remember, this is for posterity, so be honest -- how do you feel? interesting. not to fifty!!! kill the dark one and the giant, but leave the third for questioning. you must be that little spanish brat i taught a lesson to all those years ago. it's simply incredible. have you been chasing me your whole life only to fail now? i think that's the worst thing i ever heard. how marvelous. good heavens. are you still trying to win? you've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance. it's going to get you into trouble some day. stop saying that! no -- -- yes -- -- all that i have and more please -- -- anything you want -- lying dead. his skin is ashen and the blood still pours from the parallel cuts on his cheeks and his eyes are bulging wide, full of fear.