a little bit. what? mom, can't you tell him that i'm sick? he'll pinch my cheek. i hate that. what is it? a book? has it got any sports in it? it doesn't sound too bad. i'll try and stay awake. yeah. it's really good. -hold it, hold it- what is this? are you trying to trick me? -- where's the sports? -- is this a kissing book? -- well, when does it get good? i don't be-leeve this. -- murdered by pirates is good -- what? well, i wasn't nervous. well, maybe i was a little bit concerned. but that's not the same thing. no. you could read a little bit more . if you want. we're past that, grandpa. you read it already. oh no. no, please. they're kissing again, do we have to hear the kissing part? skip on to the fire swamp -- that sounded good. -- hold it. hold it, grandpa. you read that wrong. she doesn't marry humperdinck, she marries westley. i'm just sure of it. after all that westley did for her, if she does not marry him, it wouldn't be fair. i'm telling you you're messing up the story, now get it right! yes. see? didn't i tell you she'd never marry that rotten humperdinck? -- grandpa, grandpa -- wait -- -- wait -- what did fezzik mean, "he's dead?" i mean he didn't mean dead. westley's only faking, right? who gets humperdinck? who kills prince humperdinck? at the end, somebody's got to do it. is it inigo? who? you mean he wins? jesus, grandpa! what did you read me this thing for? no! i'm okay. i'm okay. -- sit down. all right? what? what? i don't mind so much. okay. grandpa? maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow.