a hansom cab, with holmes' and watson's luggage strapped to the rack on top, is proceeding down the busy street. it is raining. a bus comes down the street, the open top deck sprouting umbrellas like black mushrooms. holmes and watson are walking toward 221b. holmes is whistling 'loch lomond.' through the upstairs window of 221b we see gabrielle shutting the parasol. camera pulls back to include the hansom parked across the street, and von tirpitz watching. he signals to the cabbie, who is back on his perch. the cabbie flicks his whip, and the hansom takes off down the street. there is snow on the ground, and drifts of it piled up along the curbs. traffic is light. householders are shovelling the snow off the sidewalks, and pedestrians are hurrying along bundled up against the cold.