i don't know. i do not remember. who are you? no. i'm trying. no. non, je ne suis pas francaise. non. je suis pas sure. bruxelles? oui. je pense que oui. i don't know. emile. i don't know. i don't know. emile? emile? emile? is that you, emile? ah, emile. i thought i'd never find you. hold me. hold me tight. it's been such a long time. so many nights. you know what i did before i left brussels? i hope you won't be angry with me. i bought myself an expensive negligee. a pink negligee with maribou feathers. don't you think that's a foolish thing for a married woman? come. in my luggage. come here. i don't know. come, my love. come. please. what is it, emile? what are you doing? yes. yes. where am i? oh, yes. which of you is mr. holmes and which is dr. watson? it's all so confusing. yes. he's a mining engineer. we were married five years ago, in the congo. how did you know? last year he invented a new kind of air pump, and was hired by an english company, jonah limited. we've been writing to each other regularly. then suddenly, three weeks ago, his letters stopped. i kept writing . but no answer. finally i decided to go to that address -- yes. it's just an empty store -- nobody there. then i tried to find jonah limited. no such company exists. emile? never. he loves me -- and i love him. i went to the police -- they said they would send out a missing persons report -- but they didn't sound too encouraging. then i went to the belgian embassy and explained the situation to them -- and they suggested that i consult you. i was on my way here -- and suddenly there were footsteps behind me -- and a hand over my mouth -- and the smell of choloroform -- and the next thing i knew i was in the water -- and then a man was wrapping me in a blanket -- i don't understand any of it. what does it all mean, mr. holmes? where is my husband? you must help me find him. 32. what do you want me to say in the letter? it's so strange to think i've been writing to a place like this all these months. mr. holmes -- i don't know how i'm going to pay you for all this. the purse with my money is somewhere at the bottom of the thames. did you hear what she said? you really think emile is going to pick up the letter himself? mr. holmes! this letter -- it's addressed to you. any news? did you find out anything? yes? where are we going? the boat-train? you're sending me back to brussels? is that it? i came here to find my husband -- you were going to help me -- the great detective! well, maybe this case is too small for you -- well, i won't go back to brussels. maybe you're giving up, but i'm not. i'm going to go on looking for him. and nobody's going to stop me -- even if they try to kill me. thank you. i'm sorry for what i said. i'll go and pack. you don't like me very much, do you? my other glove. thank you. am i embarrassing you, mr. holmes? oh? women are never to be trusted entirely -- not the best of them. i didn't say it -- you did. according to dr. watson. he gave me some back issues of strand magazine. then you deny it? i'm not very fond of them myself. oh? you mustn't judge all women by -- your fiancee? i'm sorry. good night, mr. ashdown. i'll take that. the two small ones -- they must be children's coffins. it's so sad. i'm ashamed to admit it -- but i was relieved when he mentioned a father and two boys. it could possibly have anything to do with emile. they are -- how do you say it in english? -- nains. mr. holmes, is those are not children, then -- ? i'm sorry. i'll try. thank you. asphyxiation. yes, dear. a bee. then why are they taking precautions? if he's an official guide, shouldn't he know. ? the more we find out the less sense it makes. what's that? i lost my parasol. i just hope it doesn't come back. an engine? you think my husband was involved in all this? why did they try to keep me from finding my husband? and why was he buried anonymously? please be careful. i think so. i don't know. my german isn't that good. unter dem schloss. you're all wrong about me. my name isn't hoffmanstal. it's von hoffmanstal. i suppose once they're in the castle. it must amuse you, mr. holmes, trappists walking into a trap. you mean you're going to let them have the air-pump? did you say try to? i never had you fooled for a moment, did i? you knew right from the beginning -- when the cabbie brought me to baker street. it's so funny. i asked for this assignment, you know. i was scheduled to go to japan, but i couldn't resist the challenge of coming up against the best. i'm sorry i didn't give you a closer game. you're just being kind. i failed miserably. yes, mr. holmes. i'm all ready. if there's one thing i dislike about the british, it's their climate. i understand your jails are quite damp -- and your heating facilities totally inadequate. germany? thank you. i'll take that. gentlemen.