i do wish you'd give me a little more warning when you come home unexpected. i would have roasted a goose -- and had some flowers for you. i'll unpack your bags. yes? what is it? what have i done now? missing? oh, i made sure not to disturb anything. some of the dust was this thick. how can you stand this? why don't you let me air the room out? i'm sure there's a crying need for that. all of which will end up on my rug. all right. if you gentlemen want to stay here and suffocate. i made you some tea and cress sandwiches. are you going away for the weekend? moving out? it's so sad. you and mr. holmes -- after all these years -- i'll wash this and send it on to you. i know how it feels -- i once went through a divorce myself. mr. holmes. how many times have i told you i will not tolerate pistol practice on my premises? i should have evicted you when you shot them holes in my wall. look at that mess you made -- unpack? there's a cabbie here -- he says you owe him two-and-six. mr. holmes. you can't let him -- oh, dash. will someone remove the violin, please? poor thing. come, my dear. dr. watson! your porridge is getting lumpy. hadn't you better get up? yes, i would. dr. watson. she's gone. well, i never! we certainly were. liberties -- in my house! oh, at last. it's been a ghastly experience. did you ever try doing embroidery with a gun in your hand?