good throw, joe. it was there. next year, man. next year we sell out. next year we dominate. when i turn pro, i'll get you the house to go with it. hey, man, you seen this? you must be some very bad-ass motherfucker. shit, we do all the work. you get all the pub. too bad we're not allowed to hit you in practice. be fun to kick the shit out of a heisman trophy candidate. beer boy, get me some. does it look like i'm serious? hell no, you go get his ass. crazy motherfucker. startin' to look like a loaf of wonder bread out there. what are you lookin' at? you think you're bad? long as you're in the program, they'll get you through. maybe not with a degree, but they'll keep you eligible. just don't do nothin' embarrassing they can't cover you for. fuck you, doughboy. i can read. see that shoe? that says nike. what do you think, nigger? you're gonna be on the supreme court? all you need to know is how to sign an n.f.l. contract. i dunno. detroit and buffalo. eagle. zipper. hero. unless the set back shifts into the i. okie. thunder. lion. kill the quarterback. hit the tight end so hard his girlfriend dies. kill everybody. the best thing is when you dominate. that feeling when you hit a guy real good, really stick him, and you hear that little moan. you know it's killin' him, but you feel great. it's just him and you, and he's the one that's hurtin'. all right, let's get evil. 60 minutes, balls out. let's open a can of kick- ass. kill 'em all. let the paramedics sort 'em out. hey, 23, don't think i don't recognize you, you little fuck. hey, pay attention when i'm talkin' to you, nigger. you're the guy that shot my mother aren't you? you were tryin' to steal her fuckin' car weren't you, cocksucker. thought i'd never find you didn't ya? but i got you now nigger, and i'm gonna kill you motherfucker. i'm gonna bust your guts open and watch you die. don't worry, you'll get 5 or 6 hundred once you're startin', depending on how you play. hey, man, you can't live on $500 a month scholarship money. and the nc double assholes won't let us have jobs, so you take your money where you can get it. i'll keep it for you, till you see the light. shit, they oughta be payin' us anyway. athletic department gets 3 million just for goin' to a bowl game. forget it, nigger. no chance for you there. griffin's goin' to medical school. she likes that light-skinned respectable shit. you're just her ghetto toy. hey, powderpuff. you're the white boy that ratted my brother out. sent him to jail, cocksucker. ran off with the fuckin' money. left the blood to do the time, huh? yeh, you're the little bastard. account of you, my bros' datin' his cell mate. you hear me, powderpuff? gonna make you pay. you gonna be my cellmate now. you gonna have 250 lbs. of pissed-off nigger up your ass. damn tough to scare that little white boy. either his momma dropped him on his head, or the motherfucker is deaf. not yet. probably out with camille. haven't seen darnell either. four fuckin' weeks? shit, the defense is gonna have to pitch shutouts now. and you're gone for 3. what the hell did you take that shit for? i bust chops too. i don't have to get all fucked up. well, you're not playin' much now are you? shit, whole fuckin' season down the drain. i know you, motherfucker. you're the prick who got my little sister pregnant. we ain't seen you around lately. where you been, huh? answer me, motherfucker, or i'm gonna peel your cap. oh, shit, oh shit, i'll kill that motherfucker. i'll. oh shit. yeh, i feel o.k. they called. yeh. i'm never gonna play again, am i? all right, defense. let's get evil. kill 'em all, let the paramedics sort 'em out.