coach winters has been telling me about you. i'm looking forward to seeing you when you come to visit. i'll be your guide. you are coming to visit aren't you? i hope so, darnell. good night. i came back early to see a friend. i can't tonight. i don't think it's a real good idea for us to see each other, darnell. no, it's not that. i've got a boyfriend. yes. i was mad at him. i caught him with another girl. a white girl. look, i got to get going, darnell. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to lead you on. i'm glad you came here. i'm in a hurry. hi, ray. this is. hi, darnell. what are you doin here? i'm sorry, darnell, but i've already been assigned. you're gonna have to find somebody else. i'm tutoring scott sherman. coach winters wouldn't do that. will you stop using those big words. it sounds ridiculous. and you don't ever use them right. pretending to be smart is not the same as being educated. or erudite. it's just a con. and it makes you sound stupid, no matter how big a prospect you are. o.k., using the things we worked on yesterday, i want you to write a two or three page essay on some aspect of your life. something other than football. your father, maybe. you could write about your dad. how about your mother? no. jesus christ, darnell what a terrible thing to do to somebody. that's not funny. that's sick. no you didn't. you just. how could you make up somethin' like that? who took care of you? well, then. maybe you could write about football this once. just one. take it easy, darnell. this isn't a good time to push things. you're putting me in an awkward position. that kiss. it was just. a kiss. i do take you seriously, darnell, but i'm still with ray. i can't just go paradin' around town. god, why am i even considering this? i don't hang out with him. i tutor him. i can't do that. i made a commitment to help him pass his qualifying exam. i can't bail out on him now. i just said i wanted to help him. what are you more afraid of, losing your girl or your position? maybe i will. you're right, nobody would ever see us here. thanks, that was fun, sort of. well, it's not really my first time. my dad took me skating once. yeah, how'd you know that? you seen this? you got a d on your math test. we went over that last week, darnell. what is this time we spend in here? just a joke to you? i don't even think you've been listening to me. don't call me baby. i thought you wanted to learn. but if all you wanta do is fake your way through, then get another tutor to waste time with. so far, it's the only test. i want you to study this whole chapter. by yourself, without me here. when i come back, we'll discuss it. be ready to do problems based on it. hi, darnell. yes. ah, i tutor him. darnell, wait. c'mon darnell, i wanta talk to you. where you been, i been callin' you? darnell, i'm sorry about saturday. it was an awkward situation. that's not it. it's just that my father expects me to be with somebody like ray. he wouldn't understand us. i don't know. he likes ray cause. i didn't say that. darnell. don't know. haven't seen him since the night i saw you. he'd been goin' out. you knew? why didn't you tell me? i just wondered how your studying was comin'. you ready for tomorrow? good. i talked to my dad last night. fine. we talked about you. i told him i'd gone out with you. i told him i wished i could still go bowling. daddy, you remember darnell.