fine. only time i could get in here when the football team wasn't usin' it. don't need to firm up. i'm strengthening my knee. had arthroscopic surgery. sorry, i don't date football players. they're all full of themselves. i saw you on the cover of sports illustrated, so you're probably worse than most. no. you know, there's maybe one thing i'd do with you. tennis. i'll play tennis with you. thanks for the game, heisman. you took it really well. i. i'm sorry. i just figured you were probably kissin' yourself in the mirror every morning. so what do you want, an apology? i just gave you one. a rematch? i'll think about it. hello. what? it's 3:00 in the morning. i don't know. i couldn't think of any other sports i could beat you at. what? we goin' on that? i promised my dad i'd never get on one of those. all right. but we go slow. no cowboy stuff. yeh, fine. slow down, damnit. joe. joe! joe, look out!!! how could you do that, you stupid punk? it isn't funny, god-dammit, you coulda killed us! you're crazy, you know that. oh, yeh? then why are you shaking? you just wanted to scare me. are you happy now? you come here a lot? it's not exactly a campus favorite. this is almost like hidin' out. no, my dad owned a place like this. not everybody with a southern accent has their own plantation. my dad could never afford to send me here. i learned to play tennis on public courts. mighta been able to play pro someday, if i hadn't hurt my knee. yeh. you disappointed? is that what we're doin' here? goin' out? i think you're crazy for jeopardizing your scholarship and a pro future by jumping motorcycles off of highways. i don't know, joe. you scare me. couldn't sleep. you drink too much. why didn't you? go home with her? then why'd you pick her up in the first place? company? yeh, i can see you havin' a real far-ranging discussion with sheri. why can't you pounce on me? aren't i good enough to pounce on? how do you know? you've never slept with me. what makes you think she's such a great ride? i'm prettier, my legs are longer. i've got better tits. why would you go to her, when you have me? well you do. you shoulda looked for me at the library, or don't you ever go there? i have a paper due monday. what'de she do? sit on your lap or just give you the nail-me stare? your parents comin' to the game tomorrow? why not? but you're one of the best players in the country. o.k. what's goin' on, joe? you ask me out here, like you wanta talk about somethin', then you don't say anything. you worried about tomorrow? why would it be your last game? you afraid of getting hurt? joe, why are you thinking like this? why would you be a failure? you're having a great year, you're a heisman trophy candidate, you got millions of dollars waiting for you in the pros. i don't know you? how can you say that? is that what you think? that i'm with you for the money? fuck you, joe. i don't give a shit about your money. i don't even give a shit about football. and you know what? maybe you're right, maybe i don't know you. joe! joe! my god, joe, what are you doing? no! no! god joe, oh god, are you allright? i don't wanta get out, damnit. what's wrong joe? why would it all go to hell? you're not like them, you can beat all that. you can stop drinking, you can break the chain. you'de still be joe. and i'd still love you. hello, my name is camille schaeffer. i'd like to speak to joe kane. hello, joe. you allright now? good, i'm happy for you. you couldn't even talk to me. what happened to "there's somethin' goin' on between you and me"? what are you doin' here? shouldn't you be out celebrating? you played real well. i'll think about it.