tickets are in your coat. itinerary and player profiles are in your briefcase. we got a 9:00am tomorrow in philly with this kid darnell jefferson. this kid's the gamebreaker we've been lookin' for. shit, lattimer's an animal all of a sudden. benchin' 450. he's gotta be on somethin'. i don't know. he's on the punt team for three years, then gains 35 pounds of rip in one summer and an attitude to go with it. coach, we, ah. got a problem with bobby collins. he talked. a friend. into taking a test for him and got caught. they had a new t.a. in there. well, the rules say automatic expulsion for both of them. well, i guess bobby figured he was gonna flunk. uh, well. it wasn't a guy. it was. louanne. it looks like this will blow over. the girl's father is a big booster, contributed a lotta money. so he said they won't go to the press. yeh, he's not exactly happy about all this, but he doesn't wanta hurt the program. so what do we do? he's rusty. i doubt if we can start him. joe's too tentative, too cautious out there. he seems flat. maybe we oughta give collins another shot. sam, we can't afford to wait.