so was half their team. shit, another christmas at home. you won't next year. hey, darnell, welcome to e.s.u. regular students don't come back for two weeks yet. not that they woulda been here. now that you've enrolled, you're just another wormshit freshman. here's your room. if you need anything call the hall manager. see ya later. freshman placement test tomorrow at nine. mckinnley hall. hey, bobby, lats, how ya doin? this is darnell jefferson, freshman tailback. no such luck, backup man. but i'll try to engineer a few blowouts. get you get some mop-up time. shit, lats, you look buffed, man. you put on some weight? coach finds out you're nailin' his daughter, you'll be playin' dorm ball. jesus. i knew there was gonna be an article. i didn't know it was gonna be on the cover. i guess you'll have to wait till we get to the pros. i'm gonna lead. but can you follow? there's something i wanta try. gotta wake up our mojo. start settin' the tone for the season. what's the matter, bud? can't you follow? don't worry, you'll do all right. lotta people don't finish. what are you doin' with the trophy? hey, glad to meet ya. joe kane, caucasian. so what doya think a that new garth brooks album? how ya' doin'? little late to be workin' out, isn't it? well, if it wasn't for the football team, might not be a weight room to use. you tryin' to firm up a little, or what? had my knee scoped once too. when you're finished here, maybe we could get a yogurt, compare scars. that's real open minded of you. so you won't consider doin' anything with me? well at least tell me what happened to your knee. what'd you do? fall outa your convertible? what's that? tennis. you mean now? it's raining. what's this heisman crap? i didn't say anything about being a heisman candidate. i don't go around strokin' myself about it. so what's this shit you're givin' me? you figured wrong. i want a rematch. some other sport. i took my beating. you owe me one. either that or we go out. i haven't really done any charity work. ah, no. i just. you really think i got a shot to win this? this is joe kane. what did you decide? i wanta know what you decided. then i'll pick you up tonight at 6:00. yeh. i thought we might take a ride. what are you, one of these trust- fund princesses? it's fine for me to play a game i don't know, but i ask you to try somethin' different and you hide behind your daddy. this speed, o.k.? good. take it easy. i've done that a hundred times. no big deal. i don't know. i guess cause i've never done it with someone else on the bike. yeh, pretty much. and the scream was even better than i thought it'd be. every dog within hearing distance wants to mate with you now. now and then. why? i like places where nobody knows me. this too low-rent for you? your dad? you mean he owned a chain of these? so you're just a scholarship jock like me. no, i've just never been out with a jock before. i don't know. what doya think? just tryin' to keep my edge, camille. the other guys look to me cause they think i'll do anything. i lose that, i'm just another guy, and we all get our ass kicked. the great thing about football is you can lose yourself in it. there's no time to think, to worry, to have doubts. everything else fades away. you just move and react. just gettin' himself pumped up. o.k. let's put the women and children to bed, and go lookin' for dinner. don't let em up. 51 strike, orange left. on 4. i really have no idea. that's up to you guys. just what we need, a little team unity. maybe she's out with some guy. it wouldn't be screwing around. it's not like we're going together. what are you doin' here? i was just sweatin' out some of the beer. i didn't go home with her. i thought about it. but i didn't. yeh. why didn't i what? i don't know. i guess i figured maybe there was somethin' goin' on between you and me. i was drunk. i needed some company. i mean, ya know, physical company. i was. i just needed to pounce on somebody i guess. well, you're more conservative. classier. you're not that kinda girl. i didn't know i had you. i go there. i got a 3.2 in political science. i just don't go there on saturday nights. shut up, camille. well, ya know, you try to block it out, but it's basically impossible. everybody seems to be talkin' about it, all the newspapers, the interviews. the hype on t.v., tryin' to get somethin' goin. no, i don't really think too much about that kinda thing. my mom's dead. my dad has never seen me play. guess he's not that interested in football. he's just not into it, o.k.? no. i'm worried about the days after that. i just. i don't know. i feel like tomorrow's gonna be my last game. i want to stay up, make the time go slow. no, that'd be a relief. then, at least, i wouldn't be a failure. how do you know what's waiting for me? you don't know me at all. because you wouldn't be here now if you did. you only know the guy that's supposed to make millions in the pros. why else? yeh, just got some dirt in my teeth. guess you've really seen the dark side now, huh? you should've gotten out while you had the chance. before it all goes to hell. i'm a kane, camille. that's all it takes. we're cut out to be drunks and fuck-ups. we never live up to expectations. it's in our blood. my dad, brothers, uncles -- we all drink and sooner or later we all fuck up. my dad went the longest. waited till he was playin' triple a ball, before he hit the wall. sometimes i feel like i'm just waiting for my turn. the better i do, the closer it gets. if i gave up that, i wouldn't be much of a football player. and if i wasn't a football player, what would i be? just don't say i never warned you. four. yeh, i'm fine. just a little headache. o.k. offense, let's get it back. o.k., time to put the women and children to bed, and go looking for dinner. 82 strike, eagle, crown, on 2. coupla real college heroes, huh? tearin' up the town. i don't know. which one is she? i'm not even interested in talkin' to you. oh shit. the guy went for me first. what was i supposed to do? rehab? i'll be a god-damn joke. you can't do this to me. not in the middle of the season. not in the middle of a heisman campaign. yeh, but what will i come back as? what kinda player? i'm sorry, coach. i don't want to talk to her. yeh. you don't have to. no thanks. scotch. hello, camille. yeh. yeh, i think so. camille, hold on, o.k.? i'm sorry that i didn't want. that i couldn't see you. c'mon, camille, i was embarrassed. i couldn't. i couldn't understand why anybody would wanta talk to me. camille! how ya doin', dad? no. yeh, they sent me to rehab. i've been thinking about some things, dad. i kinda been wonderin' why you never came to any of my games. all those years. or i mighta done real well. which woulda been harder on you, dad? mighta made you feel bad. like maybe it wasn't written someplace that we all gotta go on our ass. like maybe you coulda done somethin' more, if you'de tried a little harder. i think i spent the last couple years hopin' i'd die before that day. but you know what dad? that day came and i'm still here. and i got one more game this year. i don't know how well i'll play or even how much, but i want you there. i could live with it, if you could. here's a ticket. section 2, row 6. fifty yard line. if you don't come, i'll never ask you again. well, we didn't exactly have a team. i had some other things to worry about. hoppin' the steps?! what, you're gonna punish me now. i didn't wanna leave. i just screwed up. no, no i never dogged. i worked my ass off. i played hard. i always played hard. i gave my everything for you. when you came to the center, i thought you were really worried about me. but you don't give a shit. we're all just a buncha sled dogs. if you had another guy who could throw, you'da left me in the fuckin' hospital. the only thing that matters is the program, the god-damn program. all right, we've held these guys up long enough. give me time back here, and i'll rip 'em apart. 16 shift, green, bolt. first sound. 28 thunder right. on 2. give me the ball. o.k., 24 inside slot, left blue lightning. let's put the women and children to bed, and go lookin' for fuckin' dinner. on 2. this one's for you, dad. waitin' for you. i figured you'de have to come through here on your way to dinner. i need your help with somethin'. i know i'm not your favorite guy right now, but it's all startin' again. the expectations, the pressure, the talk about the heisman next year. i was wonderin' if you'de like to go somewhere, maybe share a six-pack with me? i miss you, camille. i don't like bein' without you.