35 lbs. spent the summer in the gym. i'm tired of watchin' you guys play. i intend to start this year. yeh, but don't i have to get dumber too? what? you didn't know? listen to this. "e.s.u. has a solid nucleus returning, but the timberwolves, coming off two disappointing seasons, will only go as far as the strong right arm of heisman candidate joe kane will take them." that right, joe? you gonna lead us to the promised land? yeh, and there's nobody from the defense out there. who cares? i flunked it three times, before i got in. hell, they even give alvin copies of his tests in advance. he sells 'em for a hundred bucks a pop to people in his class. 'course he's gotta have somebody read 'em to him. yes!! starting defense. place at the table. whooo!! yes!! i don't know. it's the battle. the goin' to war with the other guys. hangin' together. bein' different from everybody else. havin' our own dorm, stayin' in hotels the night before games. settin' ourselves apart. havin' a chance to be somebody. to do somethin' that people look up to you for. your strength and your courage. not everybody can play football. we're the lucky ones. no, leslie, we're just getting to know each other. c'mon leslie, you didn't come up here to stop now. what were you doin'? leadin' me on? get outa here! three games? why so many? what are you gonna give as the reason? thank you, coach. yes, sir. nobody seemed to mind when i was knockin' people's dicks in the dirt. not everybody has the ability you do, alvin. you do what you have to do to play. i'm gonna have to take a test with the coach right there. you sure you got somethin' better than blockers? what's this doin? ding motherfucking dong!! c'mon guys, we're only down ten. let's get our fuckin' shit together.