hey, autumn -- ray griffen. starting tailback. the two guys they recruited before you are handing out gatorade now. better start strengthening your wrist. what the hell is that supposed to mean? i don't think so. all caught up on your arithmetic? i'm gettin' a little sick of this asshole, autumn. i don't like you hangin' out with him. it's embarrassing. then have him get another tutor. what the hell difference does it makes? they'll grease him through no matter what he does. nobody's ever gonna see his graduation. don't tell me you're falling for this guy. he's just another gang-banger with speed. maybe you oughta think about what you're in danger of losing. hey, mr. haley. good to see you. yes, sir. you're full of shit. you fumble, you try to blame me. the hell with autumn. you just can't take a hit. give it to me up the gut, coach. they've been ignoring me. i know i can score.