so how's work? life on the dark side. sure. as a racquetball player or a priest? what's on your mind? it's a vichini. more than a little. they're the best. sixth century. hand illuminated. vichini only did twenty, each pocket size for a king to carry into battle beside his heart. some consider them the finest bibles ever made. i thought they'd all be in museums. what are you doing with it? how? really? what does it say? i've never heard that quote before. theologically, the "first war" obviously refers to the war in heaven where michael the archangel threw out satan and his gang. old time bible stuff. but this implies there was a second war. that's news to me. oh, it's a fairly common theological debate. or was. the idea that if christ is god's son, does that make him less than god or are they the same being in different forms. that very argument almost tore the early christian church apart in the 4th century. that was the good old days when people actually worried about theology. anyway, it was settled when the bishops of the world got to together at the council of nicene in 325 and hashed out the various interpretations of scripture into a uniform dogma of belief. the result was the nicene creed, which basically said that christ was in fact the same as god and was owed the same power and respect as the father. that they were the same. but it's not exactly the sort of thing angels would fight over. well, they could just ask god, right? who knows? vichini was the greatest biblical scholar of the age, some claimed he made his own translations from the original writings. maybe he did find some unknown writings by john. it's possible i suppose. john always was a little negative about angels. all this actually has something to do with an lapd murder? i hate to break it you, but that particular family spat has been settled for 1,600 years. nobody loses sleep over it anymore. honest. oh, he didn't trust them much. all that running around smiting and killing in the name of the lord. god's wild bunch. he thought it made them fickle and vain. one click above ghosts. satan didn't help the image much either. well, he did start as an angel. so when are you going to get a real job? you almost did it once. i never saw a seminary student more called to the collar than you. why didn't you ever become ordained? you'll have to tell it to me sometime.