thought those clouds this morning spelled rain for sure, but it's turned into a beautiful day, wouldn't you say, sergeant burrows? sorry. i'm working on it. what's the word? jumper? drugs? alcohol? ghouls been by? firebird driver? have you had him walk a chalk line? anything on him? like? along with everything else. what? who's the room registered under? anything interesting inside? in such a fine establishment as this? there's glass in the carpet. it's on the inside. where's chimney rock? and give up all this? i was just looking for my "suicide" rubber stamp. i'm okay. dagget. it's done already? must have rained over the golf course this morning. i'll be right over. hey, willie, sorry to hear about the weather. should i bother sitting? i think we can skip the cause of death. weren't stuck in the radiator grill? huh. something wrong with that? i should have listened to burrows. and? i assume you, a cautious and learned observer, of course have an explanation. not even remotely. think of the possibilities. well, i'd love to say thank you, but -- it's a bible. there is no fourteenth chapter to revelations. can i keep this awhile? can you sit on all this a few days, willie? not circulate the file? i need some time before all the questions start. so what else is new? pop it up! thanks a lot. okay. y'now. can i ask you about something? it has to stay between us. i need your word on it. i'll take the priest for the moment. it's a case. we found this guy. he was. different. but he had on him an old bible. worth a little? this one's a bit special. it's has a bonus chapter to st, john's revelations. "and as in the first war, the angels so fought over the nature of their god, and there was much vanity and destruction in heaven. for some angels called their lord the son of god, and others called him the begotten father of jesus christ." what do you think? and the rest of it? why? do you think it's possible that john might have written that extra chapter? i don't know yet. maybe. probably not. what did john have against angels? satan? you mean with the church? it's a long story. sometime. yeah. why is my friendly coroner, after a long day at work, calling me at home? i doubt it. "they"? where was everyone? who won? lucky. looks like the snow angels we used to make as kids. lie down in a clean bank. move your arms up and down. did the cop get a look at who nailed him? anything else? i'm going to try. oh, maybe five or six times a week. mud on his shoes? not yet. i need to go to arizona. so i can give you a straight answer. sorry. hey. how's the world? and jamie and mac? my one true calling. what's up? it's five-thirty in the morning. you always were telepathic. it's my job, jan. i go places sometimes. i don't know. i know. i'll be okay. i love you too, jan. run of of the mill psycho killer body dismemberment on our end. the usual. got a lead i wanted to run down chimney rock way. thought i'd do the courtesy of telling you first. you're welcome to put a babysitter on me if you like. may i? thanks for the coffee. i never turn down advice, sheriff. especially when it's free. how long ago was he buried? what do you mean? did they take anything? hello. tom dagget. i'm with the police. i'd like to ask you a few questions. i'll just tag along. what grade is this? town doesn't look that small. you're the only teacher. clearly. the man upstairs, did you talk to him? what did he say? did any of the children talk to him? who? can i speak with her parents? all right. this is my number at the hotel. did you know arnold hawthorne? military man? did you go to the funeral? no dark hidden secrets? either are you. have you found it? i will. where are you staying? i got your note. no, it's okay. really -- tom. from los angeles. sort of. -- hey, wait. i won. i won! oh, no thanks. i'm not very good at this. will she be able to talk with me? is that serious? who are the night people? beautiful stars out here. what happens if the hand trembler says a ghost has been. what's that? you know them? do people really still believe in it all? ghosts, sings, corpse sickness? i think john's out for the evening. so how does a person like you end up teaching here? oh, i know all about voices. problem is not all of them are very nice. it was the evil of two lessers. no. when you get to know me i can be down right evasive. thanks for the lift. tomorrow at noon? at the little girl's house? that's what my bosses keep saying. so taken. goodnight, miss henley. you're a little early yourself. that makes two of us. mary, when you talked to man up in the building -- yes, simon. what did simon say? right. like the game. we'll have to play together sometime. and what was that? you're a good friend not to tell, mary. but i'm a friend of simon's too. so if you ever want to tell, you can to me. okay? no mary, i haven't. where will they do the ceremony? they're taking her away? shouldn't she see a doctor? who? maybe it's time i checked out mr. gabriel. chosin reservoir was a korean war battle the marines had against the chinese, supposedly the bloodiest hand-to-hand fighting of the century. someone been teaching that to your class? where would she have heard it? who? did she know him? you couldn't and tell a story like that to one. if i was smart i'd call the sheriff or somebody in town who knows this place. then again, there is one thing worse than getting killed. looking like an idiot if it's nothing. no, if someone has to fall a hundred feet down a black pit, he should at least be on official duty. then again, it is kind of spooky in there. here, you can hold the flashlight. shit. you okay? well, i've seen enough. wonderful. i don't know. maybe a bum or something. yes. oh no. oh god no. no! no. the voices. they were screaming and fighting over. theology. they don't sweat much about that in hell. but they do in. heaven. the son of a bitch. he carries it around with him like a photo album. a big, greasy cloud wherever he goes. they all do. that extra chapter by st. john was right. it's a war. just like the first one. just like when the angel michael beat lucifer and cast him out. only now they've turned on each other. turned on each other in a civil war over theology. oh sweet god, theology. "god's wild bunch". god's morons! i just know. yes folks, the good news is that there's life after death in heaven. the bad news is that it's as screwed up as here. they are us. aborted children. and they need us. they need our corrupt, dark souls for their fight. they need. what are you doing? no. get away from her. back away from the kid, man. now. goddamn it -- go. go! where. that man over there. he's wanted. murder. i'm taking him in. -- shit. -- no, i have to -- -- no, you don't understand. you have to let me have him -- you'll never hold him. take off his sunglasses. jesus christ, just take off his sunglasses. we have to get out of here. if you want mary to stay alive past sundown we have to leave, and we have to do it now. where are we going? willie? you weren't crazy, man. so what's the deal, huh? i mean, do you have any kind of plan here? cause i'm just about of ideas, friend. do you even listen? do you still come to places like this? old man, you have been calling me most of my goddamn life, but every time i get close, you just keep moving that far away. what's it to be? you want me to kill your henchmen? can't you even control your own killers anymore? what do you want from me! yes? which one of you is that talking, mary? or do you even know anymore? this might not be the work of a navaho ghost. is it over? and at the end of it? will it work on a general's soul? still attached. barely. no. how nice. which one? what did he have to say? you're not kidding, are you? satan? you're sure? why wasn't i! you don't understand, i've spent my whole life. i don't suppose it would occur to anyone in authority to fill me in on what's going on every once in awhile, huh? shit! did he say anything about the nicene council? about the rank of jesus christ in the holy trinity? a near miss. it's a long story. the other night, you were talking about waiting for a voice to call you to something. well, let me tell you, the worst thing that can happen to you is to be called to something. since i can remember a voice from somewhere deep in the church called me. so loud and so often that by thirteen i knew i was going to be a priest. you know what that's like? my parents, friends, all of them thought i was crazy. but see, i had this voice. the voice that kept coaxing me along, telling me there was a reason. so i entered the seminary and was half way to my starched white collar when my mother, father, and my little brother were wiped out in a car crash. i had never asked anything of the voice. not when the neighborhood kids made fun of me, not when my father looked down at me like some knock-kneed faggot. i never questioned a damn thing. but on the morning i spent looking down at three parallel graves, i asked it one question. why. why were these people taken from me? and the voice, that same voice that would wrench me out of my sleep some nights with its jabbering, it was suddenly stone silent. it was the only question i ever asked of it and it just left me hanging in the fucking wind. so after that i traded in priest school for homicide school. because if god wouldn't talk to me the devil sure as hell would, and his ways were a lot easier to understand. yeah, he's certainly a shy son of a bitch, i'll give him that. do you still have faith in anything, katherine? maybe you were called to something after all. shitty. coffee? you mean when, right? there's no phone here? radio? stupid question. if we were smart we'd leave. get to a town. a sheriff station. do you really believe in the ceremony? so we stay and dump the general's soul. with one shot left. the spares -- -- and a change of clothing, are all still at the hotel. we're going to have to come up with something. fuck you. keep it. is this supposed to be our "win one for the ripper" speech? you could always lend a hand. is there any way to speed this up? lock the door. stay inside. it's only one round, so make it count. i'm not an angel, heaven or hell. i'm a man you eyeless puke, which means i have one thing you never will. a soul. and though i may, somewhere inside, believe in a god, i will never, never, believe in you. you -- your war. your war's a lie! running around acting like this is really about whether christ is just the son of god or if he is god. bullshit! that's not what this is about at all, is it? then prove it to me, gabriel. i studied three fucking years of theology before i picked up a gun. c'mon, you're chief goddamn angel, i'm just a little man. prove to me christ is just a son and less than god. prove it! because you can't! because this war isn't about some obscure medieval hangup. you're just jealous. try me, gabriel. go on. prove to me the temporal nature of the trinity. show me through logic how the son of the word can be separated from the father. fight me with philosophy, gabriel! because you and your army are wrong! and you know it. you knew it sixteen centuries ago. that's it. you're jealous. jealous he could love something more than you. if you wanted to know so badly, gabriel, why didn't you just ask him? why didn't you just ask god? where? more will come. to look for the soul. there wasn't a phone. yeah. just gabriel. yeah. he caught up with me. enemy ghost way for mary tsosie. yeah. indian stuff. maybe. i think so. no. i hadn't gotten around to it. yes. no. really. yes, he was. yeah. thanks. thank you. i feel worse. they lean on you much? good. i think i've about run out of hospitality with the sheriff's department. till we die. i want that too.