we must talk, katherine. god is love, katherine. -- i don't love you. i can kill you, katherine. i can lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces. or i can talk with you. i am here, before you, in a form to put you at ease. i rarely do this in person. i am, perhaps, somewhat out of touch. no. oh, i am an angel. a very special one. the first. the oldest. the naive eagle scout, he once loved me above all others, and i him. it was the only true love for either of us, but like all true love, it couldn't possibly last. the winged party boys will come, katherine. they'll come to feed on the guts of your little mary. i have my interests. the naive eagle scout, he has his interests too. he even has a place for them, as i do for mine. big, shiny place. you'd like it. only it's been empty for a long time. can't open till after the resurrection. the problem's with the hired help. always had problems with the hired help. they're arrogant, boastful little pricks. not like me. what i did i did for love. but they, the winged party boys, even before the park could open for its first customer, they started fighting over the popcorn stand. you see, katherine, heaven can't start accepting guests till this fight is settled. and without people, there is no heaven. all those good and true souls left mouldering in the ground clutching their h-tickets and waiting and waiting and waiting. some, lying down there with the worms century after century, they start to get doubts about the whole program. that's when, out of sheer boredom, some of them come to me. because i'm always open for business. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. even on christmas. some of the angels cheat. they sneak a few souls in to help with the fight. the really dark ones. and now one of them has found a special soul so wonderfully sick that it might just win it for them. and if one side wins, even the wrong one, then there's no fight. and if there's no fight, there can be a heaven. i'd be very unhappy. i am here to help you and the little bitch not because i love you, not because i care about you, but because i want this war to go on and on and on. i bring you the chance to save your mary, katherine. and along the way, stop the resurrection. listen when i speak. now go to bed, katherine. tomorrow, i promise you, is a big day.