gee jerry, you look like shit. soon, pal. soon. come here. come here. hmmm. still a little life left in you. barely. there's something i want you to do for me. don't be that way. i will, i will. promise. you need some new clothes, son. aw come on, don't start. you know how i hate that. watch the profanity. -- just one more favor. honest. i want you to get something for me. a few personal effects the cops ripped off from the lovely allenwood arms on seventh street. it'll be sitting in their property room down on san julian. give you a bath, put on some decent clothes, maybe a very large brim hat, you'll be fine. just go in between five and five-ten, it's a shift change and nobody'll notice you. c'mon. this should be more or less up to date. john doe. i'll see you tonight. here's some bus fare. i'll just be a second. sorry. you like the desert, jerry? -- soon. honest. don't be a pest about it. excellent advice. some things are human work, son. live or dead, human work. besides, i like you. i can always smell a graveyard. i always enjoy watching you work, jerry. come on, you didn't really want to kill yourself. well, yes. technically. letting you die slower. thank you, jerry. i'm touched. really. ah, but it's not what's on the outside that matters -- -- it's what's on the inside. it's not here. it's not here! shut up!! now, if you were a soul, where would you hide? boy, what a dump, huh? why can't this shit ever go down in miami? or bora bora? i feel like i've spent my whole damn stay in gin swills like this. well well. hi, simon. so, what shall we talk about? theology? fair enough. you know why i'm here. don't happen to have it on you by chance? that would have been too easy. please, simon. get serious. now. where's the soul? you know. so high. used to reside in the recently departed general hawthorne. have it your way, big guy. shoot. that's hardly the point, is it? happens. i like it here, simon. i always have. then join us, simon. reject the nicene council. we were here first. you know the routine. not yet. i can do this for five months, simon. this is getting boring, simon. where is it? where did you put it? where is it! i'm just about out of tricks here. you're a tough one, friend. old school. god loves you, simon. don't get me wrong. i think it's an excellent sign of character. never mind him. he shouldn't even be in here. least not standing. you're not from here. i'm looking for something. i will. have you found what you're looking for? i don't doubt it. you'll let me know? when you find it? i'm around. get any sleep? -- just kidding. there, and there. now pucker your lips. aim it that way, and just blow a little bit, this is a special trumpet. very good, timmy. very good. here, have a junior mint on me. open up. who's next? and who are you? and did you see the man upstairs, sandra? did you talk to him? and who did, sandra. who talked to the man? and where is mary, sandra? you've got very pretty teeth, sandra. here, let me see. just talking to the kids, ma'am. see ya, kids. be sure to study your math. it's a long story. ignore him. you're right. you have no idea what's going on. you know. son of a bitch, the priest wanna-be actually figured it out. that's a rare club, son. at least down here. she won't feel anything, honest. i'll have to tear her apart of course -- just the way it goes -- but it'll be all right in the end. a good catholic boy like you, mr. daggett, you should be on my side. you're gonna have to watch that profanity. it'll only be a moment. you little pest, do you have any idea how hard it is to get one of those? because i'm an angel, you miserable wretch! i kill first borns while their mothers watch! i turn whole cities into salt! i even, when i feel like it, rip the souls from little girls! and from now until eternity, the only thing you'll be able to count on in your pathetic little existence is never knowing why! i'm wasting my time here. c'mon petunia, let's get on with it. heavy sleeper, john. don't be such a materialist, john. no end to your bad habits. a moment of your time. where are they, john? katherine and mary? where would they go? sure you do. think hard. now you're not even trying, john. you're katherine's best friend. she tells you everything. i can help you remember, john. someone's going to die here soon. i'll just be a minute. the timing's important. i can smell these things, you know. go to sleep. recovering. recovering. stable. deteriorating critical. whoa, not just yet. come on back. that's it. hi. hey, c'mon, don't start. -- rachael. here. it's only for a short time. promise. say, ma'am, any idea where i can find old woman butte? i don't suppose you could be just a tad more specific. madge. not for a while, i'm afraid. funniest thing. i doubt we'll meet again. you'll like this, rachael. nice move. you ought to come work for us. upstairs. we sneak the odd civilian in now and then, you know. you'd like it. nobody tells you when to go to bed, can eat all the ice cream you want. and you get to kill. all day and all night. just like an angel. save yourself, friend. why go to the wall with the bitch and her rug rat? it'll all turn out the same anyway. here or in heaven, we're still gonna tear the kid apart. a little speechy today, aren't we? okay pal, have it your way. this is going to really, really hurt. c'mon, son, out with it. make this one count. what? you're wrong. i don't have to. you're wrong! no! we don't have to listen to him! he's just a son! shut up. because he doesn't talk to us anymore! steps up to the kiva door and kicks it. the frame buckles but holds. he steps back a few feet, puts all his weight into a turn, and kicks again. the door shatters. relax folks, it's just a soul. i'm getting real tired of you. heaven, darling. heaven. at least get the zip code right. no. in heaven we believe in love. -- cracking your skull. shut up! god loves you, mary! oh man, this just isn't my day. the world's young, man. this isn't your war. you lost. yeah yeah, i was there, remember? you're dreaming. -- stay away from me. fuck you!