hey bright eyes, what's the deal being out here all alone without a coat? where? oh, there might be one, tiny, skinny piece left, but you're gonna have to race me for it. you little sneak! in a minute, in a minute. tough night? no thanks. shouldn't they be getting to school? didn't see any. i'm happy here. just got to give it a chance. who this time? huh. it isn't so. no prob. this is "camposaurus". camposaurus was a herbavore, which meant he only ate plants. camposaur stayed mostly to himself and never bothered anyone. this is a leg fragment that belongs to the killer of the plateau, alosaurus. alosaurus was a vicious carnivore, which meant he'd eat anything that moved, especially nice, juicy camposaurs. both these guys lived together right here on the white rock plateau eighty million years ago, when this area used to be on the banks of a huge, shallow sea. remember how we talked about how sedimentation fossilizes bones? that's also what made the hills out behind our town and put the copper in the ground. just a tiny bit, alex. do you know why? uranium, that's the rock they use in nuclear power plants -- and bombs alex, yes, is all through these hills naturally. millions of years ago the dinosaurs here ate plants and drank water which had uranium in it that became concentrated in their bones, which is exactly how, with mr. geiger counter here, we're going to find some. -- hey. come on. what's the deal, brian? yes? sandra? all right, brian. you get one free insult. make it good. uh. okay. everybody satisfied? cow demon? easy. easy. don't break it. thank you, jason. i appreciate it. well, it's either a 44 million year old strychtosaurus or that cow mr. sorenson lost last winter. go eat your lunch, jason. brian, have you seen mary? allison? we're you guys up in the. okay everybody, get started on today's reading. quietly. i'll be right back. i mean quiet. mary. mary. shit. mary? mary, come here. come here. go back to class. go. it's not her i'm worried about. what are you doing here? this is school property, you can't sleep here. are you all right? i'll have to call the police. they'll help you. what's the matter, pumpkin? did you eat something? did he give you something? sure, hon. let's go. i'll have the school send over a doctor. he's was just laying up there. i thought, with the kids and everything. he looked hurt. finishes dressing for school, picks up her teaching bag, and crunches out across the gravel to her pick-up. mary. how is she? did the doctor come by? can i help you with something? about the guy upstairs? i've kinda got my hands full right now. here, make yourself useful. okay, everbody stays on the courts today. -- i mean it. all of 'em. nearly all ghosts now. when the copper mine closed it took most of the town with it. we just teach out of this one corner of the schoolhouse now. rest of it's been abandoned for years. yup. just me. -- randy. do it again and i'll put your head in the door and slam it. love and understanding are important tools in education. i wanted to know what the hell he was doing there. that it wasn't part of the plan. he looked hurt. bloody. like someone had cut him. that happens here. was that. stuff. on the floor really him? yes. she's home sick from school today. they're dead. she lives with her grandmother. i'll have to ask her. the general? saw him here and there. it's a small town. about a million years ago. his interests lately were more like gardening and herbal tea. everyone did. he lived here. there are no secrets in small towns, mr. dagget, dark or otherwise. have a seat. you need a card. here, play one of mine. john, this is mr. dagget. says he's with the police, though judging by his coat and basic command of the english language, i don't think it's from anywhere around here. long way from home, tom-from-los- angeles. -- what? no way -- your turn. c'mon, don't be a drip. no, you're not, are you? let me lead. mary? the school doctor came by. declared it "non-specific gastrointestinal disorder". that's up to her. mary's grandmother called a hand trembler. where do you keep the coffee in this joint? saturday night in chimney rock. when i was younger i used to believe that no matter how much you mucked around in your life, one day, if you listened hard enough, a voice would tell you what you were really cut out to do. and when it didn't show up on schedule i decided to go look for it. and i looked in a lot of places, believe me. i drove that road out there so far that the end became the beginning again. and it was when i got here that i realized there never was going to be a voice. so i stopped looking and took the first job they offered me. that make any sense to you? how did you end up a cop? are you always this cryptic? first trailer on the highway past town. i must say, mr. dagget, that you don't seem very like a police officer to me. i meant it as a compliment. goodnight, tom-from-los-angeles. what the hell do you think you're doing? get off his knee, sandra. everyone else, go inside. now. who are you? i don't know what the hell is going on, but you both better get out of here. right now. al! keep an eye on the children for me. i'll be right back. and call the sheriff. just call. you weren't suppose to be here till noon. i wanted to check on her. how are you feeling, pumpkin? this is mr. dagget, mary. he'd like to ask you some questions. you don't have to answer if you don't want to. what, pumpkin? it's okay. it's okay. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to -- what are we going to do? in the home village. the hand trembler must have found corpse sickness. she's already seen a doctor. that son of a bitch. gabriel the children called him. the little shit was hanging around my kids this morning asking about mary. he and his buddy make a real pair. i know where he parks his car. chinamen? chosin? i've never heard her talk like that before. sure, right next to jack 'n jill. nobody i can think of. maybe one. general hawthorne. he didn't like children. it was there earlier. what? i'll come along. it's cold. yeah. sorry. what is that? do you feel it? what is it? what. what was that? hell? how can that be heaven? jesus christ. how? i don't even believe in heaven. you dumb fucking assholes! how could you have done that! how do you know know so much about that? they were like us. mary. i don't know what this is. i don't know what i believe. i don't know if my sanity is lying back in that cave flopping around waiting for me. but i know one thing. those. those things aren't taking her! in those. visions. did you ever see. god? me either. mary? you son of a bitch, why? why do this? you. can't. have her!! she was coming up the street. but your head. mary's village. oh lord, i can't do this. i can't do this anymore. you're. you're. . god? i can't. i can't do this tonight. go away. good job. are you one of them? you're not an angel? what do you care? and if there's a heaven? how? for now. they start again tomorrow. the enemy way chant removes the invading yei ghost. we'll see. how's the head? here, i'll change the bandage. does that hurt? then i must be doing it wrong. i saw the devil tonight. the main one. satan. lucifer. the dark angel. you know. that he did it all for love. that and i have a choice. mary's life or a billion souls waiting in the pipeline for heavenland to open. no sir. you had to be there. we can double date next time if it's that important to you. it didn't seem important to him. are you a priest? why? this may be your last chance to tell it. we've never seen god, have we? not in any of this. maybe we're not supposed to. maybe that's faith. i have faith in mary. and that i'm going to save that little girl from those creeping things out there. from all of them. maybe we both were. hi, pumpkin. good morning. how's the head? what are we going to do if he comes? when he comes. mary's ceremony isn't over yet. the enemy ghost way. the alien spirit hasn't been driven out. would you have believed in any of this three days ago? you have the gun? we could always ask him. he's coming. go to hell. it's all the same, isn't it? and what do you love, gabriel? that's all it is for you anymore, gabriel, isn't it? just the killing and the burning. you don't work for god anymore. you don't fight for love. finish it. finish it! go home. and they won't find it. not in mary. can you help him? are you all right, pumpkin? it's going to be okay. we're all going to be okay. i can't quite bring myself to say thank you. then this is done. no. are you threatening me? then you've picked the wrong person this time. i've just about had it up to here with ghosts. so you can put away the horror movie sneer and the k-mart halloween eyes, because we know you now. we know you all. and if you want to force the issue then go ahead because you're just another angel to me. take a look at your buddy gabriel. then ask yourself, do you really, really want to fuck with us? i'm holding my breath. i don't think so, honey. i don't think so. not really. i think they might have even understood. one of them's related to this clan. he'll give us a ride back if we want. do you think it's really over? when i die, i want you with me.