someone's here. pig out on all the cake? what's that? ha! i got one! i got one! hi. what's your name? you don't look so good, simon. i'm mary. does miss henley know you're here? okay. i have to go. are you hungry? i could bring something. okay. bye. but simon and i were -- but -- hi. i hid. i'm very clever. i know. what? yes. what is it? i don't feel good. can i go home now? better. it's okay. -- simon. that's funny. "simon says". i'm good at it. i'm very clever. simon even said so. he also asked if i could keep a secret. something he gave me. then it wouldn't be a secret. it's a secret. but sometimes it hurts. have you ever killed a chinaman? they don't bleed. not the way you and i do. or maybe it was just the cold. i've killed them, you know. lots. you could always tell when they were coming. there'd be the trumpets first. every note flat. then those songs. after that they'd charge. right down through the snow. the guns would freeze and it would be just knives. it was so cold and there were so many of them. but i was smarter than they were. even at chosin, i was smarter. it scares me, miss henley. i hate it. please, make it stop! make it stop! is gabriel dead? they're not like you and me. you've got to cut their hearts out. the only thing god gave them. this is a good place. separate water source. stocked grain. only one possible approach. a man could, with the proper defenses, hold off an entire battalion for weeks. months. hi, miss henley. i'm okay. is he coming back? you look bad.