leave me alone. fuck you. qui ex patre flioque procedit. hi. simon. no, i don't. hello mary. no one does, mary. can we keep it just our secret. for a little while? it was nice meeting you, mary. that would be very nice. she wasn't doing any harm. of course. small job. mostly done now. just passing through. it wasn't part of the plan. honest. no. not really. i wish you wouldn't, but i understand. oh, i rather doubt that. hello. i thought you'd left. i'm sure you are. you were nice to give me the food. i haven't much time, mary. and since you've been so nice to me, there's something i'd very much like to give to you. just for a little while. something very special. can you keep it a secret? the biggest secret ever? come here, mary. closer. gabriel. i'm a little talked out on theology. oh yes. no. i do have one question. do you even remember what this war's about? i guess i never did get the point. how do you do it, gabriel? how do you go on and on in this place? i'm so tired. i can't do it, gabriel. i don't even know why anymore, but i can't. yes.