your dad made me come. no. i live here now. i moved back about six months ago. i'm teaching second grade. at baranof. uh, no. i, ah, got divorced. me too. but hey, we're being rude, i wanna meet the bride. gertrude leaves richard and goes to margaret. a family name from hell. oh please. ancient history. so tell me everything. i hear it wasn't exactly love at first sight? is that a salmon down your pants? the room laughs as hank works his crotch millimeters away from margaret's face. margaret remains straight faced. they can be a little overwhelming, but they're great people. around the solstice they don't watch the clock. pretty much party €˜til they fall over. i actually missed it when i was in the states. yeah. since college. six months now. call me crazy, but i love it. think i'm back for good. neimans? starbucks? escalators? margaret laughs. she likes this woman. gertrude yeah. i miss it. believe me, growing up i never thought i'd end up divorced and back here teaching at my old elementary school. that was always richard's plan. no. i was going to teach, he was going to run his dad's business. he was like a little old man. had it all worked out. what do you mean? did he ever tell you why we broke up? oh. well i should shut up. he proposed to me. when we were seniors. margaret laughs. he bought this sweet little ring, and got down on his knee. it was so cute. freaked out? oh you bet. i broke up with him on the spot. after getting rejected the first time, i can't imagine how hard it was for him to get up the courage to ask you. margaret just smiles, feeling guilty about lying when gertrude is being so honest with her. gertrude anyway. the idea that my little old man could be a player. it's just not the richard i knew. good thing you're making an honest man of him again. class, this is my old friend richard. richard and i used to be in this very same classroom together. we even had your old teacher, mr. megher. that's not a nice thing to say, patrick. the bell rings. one girl gets up. gertrude eyeballs her. gertrude marcia? ok, everyone is excused for recess. all the kids pop up and head to the door. mrs. whiting directs traffic outside. richard makes his way to gertrude. it's still not a nice thing to say. and actually, mr. megher smelled like wet dog and. . matanuska thunderfuck. but let's keep that between us. that was your fault. you tried to kiss me. a girl has to defend herself. no top gun. please. no. you loved your top gun. i just smiled and laughed like a good girlfriend. no. nothing's wrong. i wish there was a better way to say this. i made a huge mistake. with you. breaking up with you. i'm sorry. yes. this is something big. i think. i want you back. oh god, he's making me say it again. i want you back. like. we should be together. all the time. i know this isn't the best time to bring this up. i'm not talking about dating! you should move back here. we can have the life you always talked about in high school. i'm ready for that now. i know that the timing here sucks. but we are meant to be together. i know it. i think you know it too. oh. hey margaret. yeah. see you at the wedding. promise. margaret walks back into the house. alone. so here's the deal. i'm going to have a million questions for you tomorrow. gertrude sits down next to richard. you have been practicing. well. margaret told me that you, uh, turned into bit of a man whore down there. richard looks down. a bit ashamed. gertrude makes light. gertrude you're gonna have to put that in check if you move back. cause me and beth cable are the only two real options up here. and i'll kick that bitch's ass. richard gives her a polite smile. he's not really in the mood to joke. gertrude notices. gertrude so no jokes yet? too soon? that kiss didn't seem "confused." richard takes a beat to collect himself. i don't know. find out what? well. ok then. what's a girl gonna do? i guess you want who you want. gertrude gives a melancholy smile. uh-huh. richard gets up. i'm fine. really. go. gertrude nods her approval and richard runs off to the party.