wow! hot as fresh milk! you girls should get your boss to air-condition you up. he can afford it today. tomorrow's the day! my sweet little girl. not you, my daughter! a baby, and tomorrow she stands up there and gets her sweet self married away from me! i want you to look at my baby. eighteen years old. and she's never had an unhappy day in any one of those years! you know what i do with unhappiness? i buy it off! you unhappy? i'm buying this house for my baby's wedding present. forty thousand dollars, cash! now that ain't buying happiness, that's buying off unhappiness! that penniless punk she's marryin'. probably a good kid. it's just that i hate him. yup! forty thousand, says here. casharoonie! i never carry more than i can afford to lose! count 'em! so what? it's my private money! and now it's yours. i don't! that's how i'm able to keep it! speakin' of feeling good, where's that bottle you said you had in your desk. oops! usually i can keep my mouth shut! honest. i can keep any private transaction a secret. any pri. lowery! i'm dyin' of thirstaroonie! you go right home! me and your boss are going out to get ourselves a little drinkin' done! right? you need a week-end in las vegas. playground of the world! only playground that beats las vegas!