sam? sam loomis. may i talk to you? i'm mary's sister. is mary here? i want to know if my sister is here. with you. i don't know where. in your store, somewhere in your town. anywhere. don't you know? to begin with, where mary is. do you? last friday. she left work, and home. i was in tucson over the weekend. i haven't heard from her, not even a phone call. a good reason, i suppose. mr. loomis, you're so busy being defensive that you haven't even reacted to the most serious fact of all. mary is missing. what do you know about it? look, if you two are in this thing together, i don't care, it's none of my business. but i want to see mary. i want her to tell me she's all right and it's none of my business. then i'll go back to phoenix and. huh? i hate tears. yes. not that kind. you men and your egos. i don't know. she was supposed to bank it, on friday, for her boss. she didn't. sam, they don't want to prosecute, they just want the money back. it was all in cash. sam, if she's here. not even a hunch. just hope. i don't care if you do or. i want to see mary. before she gets in any deeper. yes. i just. did. the moment they told me. i just listened. and believed everything they told me. 'she stole the money.' 'we don't want to get her in trouble.' 'no don't bring the police in'. no. the man whose money she. he talked so loud and fast, and i. i should've called the police. i ought to call the police right now! why not? sam, is she hiding here? are you two planning to go away with the money? she haven't even called you? i need to. i need to believe something. this is the first time i've ever come up against anything i couldn't. understand. no. i just think. anything can be explained. but mary, doing a thing like this. i don't know how to handle. i came flying up here expecting to get some explanation. for all i know, she may be trying to get in touch with me, at home. i'd better go home. you want me to stay here? where. can i stay? sam. he said an hour. or less. are we just going to go on sitting here? you have an awfully nice habit, sam. whenever i start contemplating the panic button, your back straightens up and your eyes get that god-looks- out-for-everybody look and. i feel better. where's the old highway? yes. patience doesn't run in our family. sam, i'm going out there! an hour! or less! sam! why call when we can go? sam, i'm going. why can't i go out there with you? just wait here? sam. where could he have gone? without calling me? sam, he called me when he had nothing definite, nothing but a dissatisfied feeling. don't you think he'd have called if he had anything. who's he? well? does that mean we can't. no, thank you. it's my problem, too. yes. will you help us? i think something's wrong out there! she left phoenix a week ago yesterday. and no trace until. yes. she stole some money. forty thousand dollars. mary had been there, one night, and had left. he didn't mention the money. what he said on the phone isn't important, is it? he was supposed to come back after he spoke to the mother, and he didn't! that's what i want you to do something about! go out there! find somebody, ask some questions! i'm sorry if i seem over-anxious to you. i keep thinking. something's wrong. i have to know what! he said he was dissatisfied. and was going back. all right! then call! at least, call! please! and he didn't go back? didn't see the mother? what difference does that. yes. it must've been. arbogast said so, too. and he said the young man wouldn't let him see her because she was ill! did he say anything about my sister? i still feel. i don't know. you're not. i won't feel satisfied unless i got out there, sam. i wonder if we'll ever see mary again. alive. we lived together all our lives. i didn't. i got a job, too. i wonder if that hurt her, my not letting her sacrifice for me? some people are so willing to suffer for you that they suffer more if you don't let them. i wonder so many things about her now. why she never told me about you. funny, when you think there's an answer to everything, you think you know all the answers. do you know how i found out about you? i found one of your letters. it was a nice letter, sam. i suppose. when you were able to marry her she'd have presented you, all shiny and proper. she always tried to be proper. huh? you going to wait here for me? we're going to register. as man and wife. and get shown to a cabin. and then search every inch of that place, inside and. outside. i believe it. someone was at that window. i saw the curtain move. i'll start ahead. we should have asked for cabin one. the one mary was in. we have to go into that cabin and search it, sam. no matter what we're afraid of finding and no matter how much it may hurt. sam, if you owned a useless business like this motel. one you probably couldn't even sell. what would you need to get away, to start a new business, somewhere else? forty thousand dollars? there must be some proof that exists right now! something that proves he got that money away from mary. some way! arbogast! sam, he liked me. or felt sorry for me. and he was starting to feel the same about you. i heard it when he called. in his voice, a caring. he wouldn't have gone anywhere or done anything without telling us. unless he was stopped. and he was stopped, so he must have found out something! hospital clean. the bathroom. look at how clean it is. the one in our cabin is clean. but this is clean! it didn't get washed down. it's figuring. the kind you tear up and get rid of. some figure has been added to or subtracted from. forty thousand. that's proof mary was here! it would be too wild a coincidence for somebody else to. yes. but maybe this proves that bates found out about the money. sam, that old woman, whoever she is. i think she told arbogast something! and i want her to tell us the same thing! why not? camera angles to include lila and her point of view. mrs. bates? close on her face. she is dumb-struck. her eyes are screaming. i could stand something regular. no. i'm all right. i'll feel better when all this is explained. if it can be. did he kill my sister? but my sister is.