i better get back to the office. these extended lunch hours give my boss excess acid. what do i do with my free afternoon, walk you to the airport? checking out time is three p.m. hotels of this sort aren't interested in you when you come in, but when your time's up. sam, i hate having to be with you in a place like this. when you're married you can do a lot of things deliberately. sam! i've lost my girlish laughter. sam. this is the last time. this! meeting you in secret so we can be. secretive! you come down here on business trips and we steal lunch hours and. i wish you wouldn't even come. i haven't time to argue. i'm a working girl. it is tragic! or it will be. if we go on meeting in shabby hotels whenever you can find a tax-deductible excuse for flying down deductible here. can you? you couldn't be a criminal if you committed a major crime. i have to go, sam. no. we can see each other, we can even have dinner. but respectably, in my house with my mother's picture on the mantel and my sister helping me broil a big steak for three! sam! no! you make respectability sound. disrespectful. i pay, too. they also pay who meet in hotel rooms. i haven't even been married once yet! sam, let's go get married. i'll lick the stamps. i'm thinking of it. don't miss your plane. i'm late. and you have to put your shoes on. isn't mr. lowery back from lunch? it'll pass. headaches are like resolutions. you forget them soon as they stop hurting. were there any calls? not inordinately. the copies. mr. lowery, if you don't mind, i'd like to go right on home after the bank. i have a slight. a headache. i'm going to spend this week-end in bed. i don't need pills. just sleep. yes. i didn't mean to sleep so long. i was afraid i'd have an accident last night, from sleepiness. so i decided to pull over. yes. as i said, i couldn't keep my eyes. i didn't intend to sleep all night! i just pulled over. have i broken any laws? then i'm free to go? of course not! am i acting as if. something's wrong? please. i'd like to go. is there what? i've told you there's nothing wrong. except that i'm in a hurry and you're taking up my time. i'm sorry. now what? why? what? can i trade in my car and take another? yes, it's. nothing wrong with it, i'm just. no. thank you. i'm in. a hurry. i just want to make a change and start. how much? it looks fine. how much will it be, with my car? of course not. please. five hundred. all right. i think i have the necessary papers. is there a ladies room. i'd really rather not. please. can't we just settle this and. but what? is there anything so terribly wrong about. making a decision and wanting to hurry? do you think i've stolen. my car? i'd like to be ready when he gets back. just put it right in here, please. beside me. you have a vacancy? i thought i'd gotten off the main. los angeles. i want sleep more than anything. except maybe, food. am i that close to fairvale? the bathroom. thank you, mr. bates. i have? thank you. again. no. i'd like to. i've caused you some trouble. you shouldn't have bothered. i really don't have that much of an appetite. don't worry about it. but as long as you've made us supper, we may as well eat it. huh? you're very. kind. you'd know, of course. it's a strange hobby. curious, i mean. i imagine so. a man should have a hobby. is your time so empty? you go out. with friends? only my share. i'm looking for a private island. why do you ask that? sometimes we deliberately step into those traps. you should. mind it. if anyone ever spoke to me, the way i heard. the way she spoke to you, i don't think i could ever laugh again. she sounded strong. except you. why don't you go away? no, not like me. wouldn't it be better if you put her in. someplace. i'm sorry. i didn't mean it to sound uncaring. i am sorry. i only felt. it seemed she was harming you. i meant. yes, and just one time can be enough. thank you. norman. i'm very tired. and i'll have a long drive tomorrow. all the way back to phoenix. i stepped into a private trap back there -- and i want to go back and. try to pull myself out. before it's too late for me, too. i'd like to, but. very early. dawn. crane. good night.