now. your sister is missing how long? how'd you and this detective come to trace her to fairvale? left phoenix under her own steam? she ain't missing so much as she's run away. from what? a lot? and the police haven't been able to. explains the private detective. he traced her to the bates place. what'd he exactly say when he called you? with the forty thousand dollars? like what? i think something's wrong, too, miss. but not the same thing. i think your private detective is what's wrong. i think he got himself a hot lead as to where your sister was going. probably from norman bates. and called you to keep you still while he took off after her and the money. at this hour? he wasn't out when you were there. he just wasn't answering the door in the dead of night. like some people do. this fellow lives like a hermit. you must remember that bad business out there. about ten years ago. norman? sheriff chambers. been just fine, thanks. listen, we got some worries here. did you have a man stop out there tonight. well, this one wouldn't be a customer, anyway. a private detective, name of. arbogast. and after he left? no, it's okay, norman. how's it been going out there? well, i think you oughta unload that place and open up closer in to the action, a smaller place, you know. but. sorry i got you up, boy. go back to sleep. yeah, be glad to. said to give you his regards. this detective was out there and norman told him about the girl and the detective thanked him and went away. you should've called in the police the second you found your sister has skipped. you go starting private investigations, using people you don't even know. your detective told you a nakedfaced lie. he told you he wasn't coming right back cause he wanted to question norman bates' mother, right? norman bates' mother has been dead and buried in greenlawn cemetery for the last ten years! it ain't only local history, sam, it's the only murder-and-suicide case in fairvale ledgers! mrs. bates poisoned this guy she was. involved with, when she found out he was married, then took a helping of the same stuff herself. strychnine. ugly way to die. now wait a minute, sam. you sure you saw an old woman? and you want to tell me you saw norman bates' mother. well, if the woman up there is mrs. bates. who's that woman buried out at greenlawn cemetery? went out before service. nothing. here, let's clear the path. just what he told your detective. you must've seen an illusion, sam. now, i know you're not the seeing- illusion type. but no woman was illusion there and i don't believe in ghosts, so there it is! can see you do. sorry i couldn't make you feel better. you want to come to my office this afternoon and report a missing person. and the theft, is what you want to do! sooner you drop this thing in the lap of the law, that's the sooner you'll stand a chance of your sister bein' picked up. how about that?