billie frechette. on my father's side. there's an "e" at the end. do you have a name? do you dance, jack? how come you don't know how to dance? its easy. follow me. this is a two-step. don't look at my feet. look at my shoulders. she stays an inch or two distant in his arms. its slow and languorous. he follows her with little difficulty. he can smell the perfume in her black hair. flandreau. outh dakota. italian. my momma's a menominee indian. but most men don't like that. and i check coats at the steuben club. what do you do, jack? catching up on what? sure. he nods courteously to her girlfriends, grabs her coat, puts a hand around billie's waist and steers her out. what is it, exactly, you do for a living? dillinger looks over the top of his menu. why'd you tell me that? you could have made up a story. ;,;.at's a pretty serious thing to say to a woman you just met. well, i haven't been any of the places you've been. so i don't even know what i don't know. boy, you are in a hurry. well, its me they're looking at this time. that's nice. but they're looking at me because they're not used to having a menominee indian girl in their restaurant in a three dollar dress. where are you going? may i check your coat, sir? `you left me standing alone on the sidewalk. i'm not your girl! a customer comes up and puts his ticket on the counter. i am not your girl and i'm not going to say that. no. no one's ever done that for me before. i don't know anything about you. you been living here long? i'm drinking in a man's apartment who .:w.ants to romance me. okay. i'm no "pollyanna, but there are things that you kati would bother a girl like me. i'm trying to get to know you. smooth you're all packed. i was married once. he was too handy with his fists. she stares at dillinger. will this put him off. in prison. i divorced him. only mistake i made was marrying him in the first place. he got caught mugging a mailman. after my daddy died, we went to live on the reservation in flandreau. in flandreau nothin' ever happened. heat do you want? thank you, thank you for these last few weeks. i never thought i'd see florida. it's been, three, four weeks. you'll look for a change. or you'll get tired of me. and then i'll be sad and angry. so i wanted to say thank you before then. dillinger is surprised that her expectations are so low. she didn't think his interest in her to be more than passing. no. but i'm no fool. i'll be back checking coats at the steuben club. then it will be another way that's worse. homer and his damn joke. i don't want to be around to see any of that. okay?! that's what it's about. dillinger gets it. after. get in here. she stretches out and wets her hair. she sits up to reach for the shampoo. dillinger's got it and rubs it into her hair. dillinger hears something in the street. he goes to the window and sees a car parked irregularly. two men get out. don't come to chicago. yes. yes. don't come to chicago, johnnie. know you will look after me. happy new year, baby. he looks at her. its a concerned look. she reads his mind. however long. glows to the prospect. for the first time there's a tangible future. cuba? i think that's a great idea! they drive on into the pre-dawn of the year 1934. comes out the door. dillinger's niece comes up with a kodak brownie. that how he was when he was a boy? carefree and laughing? you love him, don't you? she touches his arm. he looks back at the house. to try to live somewhere else. `--w re ' s the apartment? i took a taxi. hauled towards a bureau car by reinecke. he tips her off balance. he bounces her off the door pillar on purpose. dillinger sees all this. i have to. he kicks the chair again. she's being denied a toilet. the humiliation is part of the pressure. billie's embarrassed. billie urinates on the chair now and the floor. another agent makes a face. we were supposed to meet. at our apartment. on addison. 1148. now. well. he's way the hell away from here by ,tow, isn't he? she looks up at him. and she drops the little girl act. she sent them on a wild goose chase to give her man time to get away. and when my johnny finds out how you slapped around his girl? you know what will happen to you, fatboy? she looks reinecke square in the eye. reinecke swings. i can't stand utp. purvis doesn't hesitate. he picks her up in his arms and carries her through the office to the restroom in the corridor. she puts her hand over her eyes in embarrassment. okay, mr. winstead. what do you got to tell me? winstead leans forward. 6 why are you coming here to see me? to see the damage you done?