time. thirty year old john herbert dillinger is in the backseat. he nods. his arms are behind him. we don't know why. red starts the car and drives forward. johnny? ready. kid didn't fool with anything, did he? dillinger, looking back at the boy, hasn't heard. johnnie? all there? dillinger lifts the coats on the backseat: their weapons are as they were. okay. and berman? wanna switch-out the "shorts"? he's okay. well, i got rule four: stay away from women. what's why they invented whores. hamilton leaves, arms around the women. dillinger keeps his eye on billie. music ends. young man escorts her to her table. he tries to join her. she turns him down. dillinger finishes his drink, approaches. he now sees how beautiful billie is. she's 5 foot 5. with a straight erect build, she stands out in any crowd. she looks dillinger straight in the eye. clear skin, dark eyes with humor playing about the edges. he unexpectedly starts to feel nervous. he gives her his best grin. why'd you sign that asshole's paper? oh jesus. now the lights come up! shouse, you step out of line one inch and and i will kill you. then i will kill your parents for having had you. then i will kill their pet dog. "don't work with people you don't know and don't work when you're desperate." walter dietrich. remember that? right! goddamnit! right! as shouse makes the turn. you need to rest up awhile. we could head to reno. dillinger lies back in bed, looks around the room, angry and frustrated. hamilton gets up to leave. i don't think so. dillinger looks at red's shirt. a blood stain blooms just above his belt. it's bad. not like you ain't seen a man die before. you gotta let. you gotta let me go, john. and you gotta let billie go too. flash of anger in dillinger's eyes. i know. you. never let no one down you care about. but this. time. you gotta let go. hamilton desperately searches dillinger`s eyes for a response. hamilton squeezes dillinger's hand and grimaces in pain. he lets out a'7-`gasp. his grip relaxes. dillinger looks away. a car pulls in next to his. as the driver gets out, he happens tc. giance at dillinger's car.