what are you looking at? nelson fires over their heads. hostages scream and try to break loose. nelson advances on the crowd. out of a jewelry store, harry berg, emerges and fires at baby face nelson, who is wearing a bullet-proof vest. nelson sprays the area. berg dives back in his store, bystander, jacob solomon, is hit in the stomach and crumples. delay allows. couple of chicago guys told tommy. don't worry, nobody's gonna find us. he thinks were salesmen. i know you bastards wear bulletproof vests, so i'll give it to you high and low. nelson opens up. baum, hit, manages to fall out of,-te passenger door and run. you dumb bastards. who are these birds? he pulls the wheel to the right. let'em have it. hit the engine! nelson spins the wheel to veer off the highway onto a. come back here, help me, you son of a bitch! homer doesn't. he's gone. the packard hurtles towards him, screeches, skids sideways, stops! opens up with the tommy gun, ripping