breaks into the clear. floyd! halt! purvis aims the mauser. perfect form. floyd zigzags. purvis fires, misses. floyd opens up with the thompson -- wildly at that range. a few .45s splinter nearby branches. fultz, baum and barton seek cover: purvis works the bolt and chambers another round. floyd is 10 yards from the forest. purvis kneels onto his right knee. on his upraised left knee he braces hi left elbow. he inhales. starts a smooth squeeze. ha tway through the exhale he fires. floyd's right arm flies up. he's punched forward and crashes to the ground. you are under arrest. floyd sits up to see the massive exit wound. his right lung and liver are shot through. he falls back. melvin purvis - department of investigation. thank you sir. may i ask why? absolutely, sir. purvis is imbued. henry suydam enters. we have two weapons that cannot be defeated. the bureau's modern techniques of investigation and your visionary leadership. thank you. then we will cross-reference every dillinger family member and known associate in each locale. how did we find berman? let's go. right now. they race out. blocking vehicles? end of this street? alley? they aren't "deployed." they're merely "here". cowley gets it. purvis exchanges a look with baum, checks his gun. carter, take the back. barton, you're with me. i'm special agent melvin purvis, miss scott. are you alone? what's your fiance's name? may we come in? you have identification? what do you do for a living, leonard? do you carry around samples? enjoy the rest of your dinner, mr. mchenry. pull the men from sheridan and wilson. -reacting- grabs the thompson from madala and runs back inside. where is he?! they headed north! the sheridan road car? the man we let get away wasn't john dillinger. yes, it was. i take full responsibility, sir. hoover calms for a moment. and i'd like to request we hire part time agents with "special qualifications". from outside the bureau. the bureau has used these men before. our "type" cannot get the job done. thank you. what keeps you up, nights, mr. dillinger? now dillinger reads him like an x-ray. goodbye, mr. dillinger. she knows we're watching and he knows we're listening. hamilton's family hasn't had word from him in years . not yet. if you interfere, i'll arrest you. from inside. our group will fly down in the plane. sam, you drive up. if you can get dillinger alive, do it. if not, then you put him down. rice, rorer - take the back. carter, you cut through the woods and come up on the front from the northwest. get up close enough to see if they're in the barroom. we know where he is. we go in. o in anyway. i will not risk them escaping and humiliating us. take the southwest corner. cover that and the front. block the road we came up -- winstead has to accept this. he is not happy. baum moves off through the woods. as winstead and hurt start to move off. stop that car! federal agents! police! stop! where the hell is cowley? purvis - low - runs to the chevrolet, opens the door. the driver and one passenger are dead. a middle aged, unarmed man steps out. bullets zing around him. he promptly sits down on the ground.,, dead drunk. these are not public enemies. is it dillinger? see if you can head him off. go! purvis runs into the woods after the fleeing figure. carter baum races off in a car. who was it? was it dellinger? baum shakes his head a fraction. running towards them, jumps in the packard. turn it around! .the car. `'aster, sam! rest quiet and you will be alright, sam. agent cowley died this morning at 5:17am. grim reactions among the men. ,their lost colleagues and friends. right now all of dillinger's friends are dead. he's out there alone. there won't be a better chance to run him down. he could be anywhere - but he is not. what he wants is right here. billie frechette. agent madala. agent madala! its new year's eve, roger. go home to your family. uncuff her. reinecke tries to pull away. he can't. the smaller man is built of steel cable. rorer uncuffs billie. restroom's down the hall. billie tries to rise. stumbles. miss rogers. doris rogers follows them. if you aid us apprehending john dillinger, i will do everything i can to influence bureau of immigration to let you stay in america. that's all there is. how do you socialize with him? i will not guarantee what immigration will do. what i can guarantee is what i will do. if you do not cooperate, you will be on a boat out of this country in 48 hours. do not play games with me. anna hesitates, caves in to purvis. who's "we"? how will we know? miss sage. she hung up. it is tonight, marbro. or the biograph. is it the marbro or the biograph? we will be deployed at both. whichever one he shows at, i will be outside that theater when dillinger exits. i will give the signal to move in by lighting a cigar. excuse me? sergeant zarkovich and special agent winstead will be at the biograph. as will i and special agent madala. is stunned. dillinger passed three feet from him. in case he walks north? sees him. he lights his cigar. it's the signal to move in. lights a second match. and as he lights his cigar, he looks up to see. pulls the trigger. nothing. he left the safety on. he fumbles with it. h--halt! unloads dillinger's gun. his gun-handling of dillinger's gun is a lot better than his gun-handling of his own under stress. what did he say? you look after this. i need to call washington. zarkovich`houlders through the gathering crowd of cover his face and keep the damn photographers away. yes sir. one thing i learned was that john dillinger was an outlaw and my adversary. but he was no punk. and he was no hoodlum.