what'd he say he looked like? that's right. his terse reply makes the garrulous porter stop talking. wcrk around it. from under the brim of his hat, winstead glances at big city life in union station. he's an ominous presence. hear the excited roar of a crowd and we -- if he is? if he isn't? too much real estate out here. too many ways for'em to get out. and too few of us to blockade 'em in. runs through trees parallel to them but further away from the water. he catches sight of two figures through the :trees playing against the water from 100 yards away. signals above and behind him. to. grabs his wrist, turns him, reinecke resists, winstead nearly breaks his wrist. bad idea. what's playin'? what's playin' at the marbro? what's playin' at the biograph? it hadn't occurred to anybody to find that out. john dillinger ain't going to a shirley temple movie. 30 feet south of the theater entrance. gerry, you get in that car at the curb about 75 feet north. he ain't gonna head north. he's gonna walk south and cut through that alley back to her place. gerry, when you spot him through your rearview-you come up on him from behind. the "cowboys" are the only men not deployed by purvis. they call their own shots. steps out f, the doorway, now, and falls in up the center of the sidewalk. reinecke's eyes are riveted on dillinger. stands over him. purvis snatches the .380 automatic out of dillinger's hand. i couldn't hear him. don't even breathe sudden. where you from? fort worth, thereabouts. clarence is from tyler. give me your tie. how are you doing, billie? i didn't come here for you to tell me something. i came here to tell you something. 'm'at's right. one of them. because he asked me to. this gets billie's attention and she looks more closely at winstead. when he went down, he said something. and i put my ear next to his mouth and what i think he said was this. he said.