yes i'm still on hold. i'm looking at your advertisement for the airline promotion and giveaway? it's hard to understand because it says in addition to but i can't exactly understand in addition to what because there's actually nothing to add it too. so, just to clarify, i'm sorry: ten purchases of any of your healthy choice products equals five hundred miles and then with the coupon the same purchases would value one thousand miles -- do you realize that the monetary value of this promotion and the prize is potentially worth more than the purchases? can i call you back if i have any further questions? can i get your extension? ok. thank you. i'm not exactly sure what that means. it's a plastic, yeah. did you have my home phone number? if you wanted to call me back i could. ok. because of the time difference if you needed to call me early? ok. bye. no. they don't get opened until eight. i don't know. i don't know. not very well. ok. i think that'll be fine. yeah. thank you. ok. hey. lance. can i. yes i'm fine. um. i bought one. i thought maybe it would be nice to get dressed for work, can i show you something? yes. i don't know. i think it's a piano. a small piano. well. it was dropped on the street. it just. i don't know. i don't know. we back our plungers 100% and we do ask for a 30 to 60 day display on the floor. yes. we do ask for. 30 to 60 days. i'm just gonna grab this call real quick? this is barry. hi, rhonda, yes i am. ok. yes i'll see you tonight. sorry about that: one thing i wanted to point out, dave, is that we've just received a large order from the rio hotel and casino in las vegas where we're going to be supplying their hotel rooms with the dice and money plunger, so these babies are really moving well right now. with the aqua blast whales and speed boats we're gonna ask for a display at eye level for the little kids. -- excuse me. this is barry. hello, karen. i'm just working. i'm just working. i have some customers here. i have a few people here, i can't really chat right now. well, i can't talk though -- yes, i'll be there. ok, bye-bye. sorry about that. well yes i do. but one more thing i wanted to tell you guys about the new plungers is that we're making the handles now in a non-breakable material called. ok. this is one of the old ones, i think. lance do we have any new plungers around? that was a little embarrassing and that was one of the old handles so let me get a new one to show you -- i have seven. they're calling because we're having a party tonight for my sister and the they're just calling. can you hang on for just two more minutes? this is barry. hi, kathleen, i'm just working. yes i am. nothing. i'm just talking on the phone to you and standing. seven o'clock. i won't. i know. ok. i know. i know. i know. i know. ok. i'll see you there. i won't. what's wrong with her car? is that car gonna be ok? i'm fine, hi, how are you? hello. yes, indeed, yes i am. oh yeah no i don't want to do that. well i don't want to do something like that. yeah, but please don't do that. yeah but please don't do that: everyone would be looking at me. yes but i get tense and i feel like i can't be myself if that happens. i don't think i'm going to the party. please don't. please, i just don't want it. yeah, no, it's not, it's just -- i know. well, yeah, thank you, but -- hello, sir. my name is barry egan and i'd like to ask if you have any more healthy choice pudding in the back? i don't really remember that. yes, yes, right. um. i remember, yes. happy birthday, rhonda. hello everyone. no, no, no. hi walter. business is very food, thanks. what? did i say that? that was weird. i meant good. well i'm glad you didn't, thank you. no. i'm not, i'm very happy. well i'm sorry. before. and i'm sorry that i did that. i wanted to ask you because you're a doctor, right? i don't like the way i am sometimes. can you help me? i know that. maybe you know other doctors? i don't have anyone to talk to things about and i understand it's confidential with a doctor - i'm embarrassed about that and i don't want my sisters to know? i don't know if there's anything wrong with me because i don't know how other people are. sometimes i cry a lot. for no reason. please don't tell my sisters. hello, how are you? yes it is. can i ask how much is this? and this is confidential? it's. confidential, the call, my information is private. 3407 2627 3444 8095 expiration 05. 04. 1274 moorpark. sherman oaks, california. #4. 91403. barry egan. what's that for? -- and this is confidential? 337. i'm sorry. 337-09-9876. but i don't want anyone to know my name. can you say that my name is jack? i just don't want anyone to know it's me. no i just. i don't want to, i just want to be connected to talk to a girl. i thought i was just gonna be connected to talk to a girl - that's fine, ok, i'm sorry, it's, um. 818. hello, this is back. yes. hi. this is jack. nothing. no. where are you? no, i mean, what city, what state are you in? no. sure. no. just talking to you. no. really? it doesn't matter. well. i have no way of knowing. so it doesn't matter. really? it doesn't matter. no. yes. she's. not here. she went out. she went out of town, she travels a lot. yeah. sometimes when i'm lonely. you sound very cute, very nice. i have my own business. i work. i work hard at doing my business. i do pretty good, i think. i wish i was making more, doing a little bit better. i can,t get over a certain hump. i will. i will crack something soon i think and really do better. i'd like to diversify. but i'm doing great, i think, as a start. no. ok. whassis? hello? i'm fine. who is this? hi. what. what's up? yeah. no. it's ok. what's goin' on? i'm going to work. not very late. yes. uh-huh. yes. me? i can't really. yeah, no. i mean. i can't afford it. i know but i. how much is it? yes, no, yes. i can't. i can't afford that. i'm sorry. sorry. you have trouble, financial trouble? yes i can't. i don't make enough money to be able to do that. no. i'm sorry. what? hi, lance. that's part of a very interesting airline promotion giveaway that's really tremendous. i'm going to start a collection of pudding and coupons that can be redeemed for frequent flyer miles through healthy choice and american airlines -- no. but airline miles are just like a currency these days. no thanks. let's just leave it there for now. this is not supposed to be here. seriously. carlos, carlos, this is really not supposed to be here. i don't mean to be a dick; but that's gonna hurt someone. it already did hurt someone: it hurt me, so please let's move that. i don't know. hi. yes i do. yeah i can't. i have work, i can't leave. i'm sorry. it's not a piano. lance! lance! i'll tell you later. i don't know. can you hang on a second? hello? no. no. we got disconnect -- why?. you're calling me at work. how did you get this number -- ? this makes me very uncomfortable. i don't have a girlfriend -- i know i did. but i don't. i didn't lie. this is. illegal. i'll call the police. this is not cool. i have to go. no i'm sorry, now i have to get off the phone. i'm gonna call you back. she is. i think, why did you come here like this? it's fine, but -- i feel really on the spot now. i don't do that. i don't - things like that. i'm not being scared, you're just going to rag me if i do this -- i don't know. what? i didn't ask him that. he's lying. i'll tell you. the guy. with. just talk to me later about it, ok? i have to talk to you in a second about that, lance, ok? it's fine. it was fun, though. no. not at all. it's nice. one second, sorry. hello? yeah, not really. yes. do you have brothers or sisters? that must be nice. that must be really, really, really great. that's not mine it's one of the guys that works here. that pudding's not mine. it's ok. that's ok. how long have you worked with elizabeth? are you guys hurt? so you do what she does, the same work, the same job? that's great -- hawaii. i was thinking about going there. i was, yeah, i was thinking about going there for business -- -- i'm probably not gonna go though. -- yeah that would be great, if i was gonna go but i'm not exactly sure, i have so much goin on here -- a lot depends on this thing i might do here and if that happens i can't go and if it doesn't happen then i probably will, but i doubt it. yeah i can't. ok. it's not mine. i have no idea. goodbye. sure. sure. sure. this is funny. i didn't ask anyone for a shrink, that was someone else. also: this pudding is not mine. also: i'm wearing a suit because i had a very important business meeting this morning and i don't have a crying problem. alright? hi. hello? it's barry. really? that's nice. are you lying? that's very nice. thank you. thank you for saying that. you're friends with my sister? how long have you known her? you like her? did you really come to meet me on purpose or are you lying about that? that's nice. it's nice. i've been looking around a lot lately at promotional giveaways, cross promotional work by some companies. do you remember all that pudding? so that pudding was bought, i bought that pudding because of a pretty interesting promotion that's sponsored by healthy choice and american airlines. it's designed to encourage airline travel and obviously designed to encourage buying healthy choice products. they make frozen meals, deli meats, pasta sauce, breads, soups and ice creams, this sort of thing. i'm sorry. i lost my thoughts, what i was saying. -- the promotion says: buy any 10 healthy choice products and get 500 miles of airline travel or 1,000 for purchases made with a special coupon. so in the supermarket, you notice their products, first you notice they have a teriyaki chicken dinner at $1.79 - that's a pretty good deal. but then i noticed they had soup at 89 cents a can. and you start to do the math and you start to notice that it's a really amazing deal because i stumbled across the pudding at 25 cents a cup. now the crucial thing is the bar codes on the label. that's those little bar codes, you know? the universal product codes? that's what's used to redeem the mileage, so in noticing the pudding, each cup had an individual bar code -- in other words: two dollars and fifty cents for ten cups of pudding is 500 miles. add in the coupon: it's one thousand. you see? you see? you see if you spent $3,000 dollars on pudding you could earn over one million frequent flyer miles. yeah. no. no i didn't say that. my friend carlos is doing it who works with me. it's his. it's his pudding, he's doing it. it's not mine. he's crazy. i told him not to do it. he's the one who's insane. he only spent about one hundred dollars so far though -- i don't remember that, she might be lying. i have to go the bathroom. why? yeah. no. no. i don't know. i cut myself. on my knife. i didn't do that. why? . what? i know. why? i didn't do it. yeah, but i didn't do anything. please don't do this to me. sorry. can i pay you here? can i pay you for our drinks and salad? keep the change, please. we should go i think, i don't like it here. yes. nothing. nothing. i have a better idea of where we can go. there's a better place for us to eat. yes i'm fine. everything is ok. it's fine. everything is fine. well, it's fine. thank you. what? yes i did? yes? i'm trying. yes no not really. ok. well. i'm gonna go. it was nice to see you again, to see your face again, to go out with you -- yeah. yeah, i don't know, we'll see about that. i don't know. ok. have a good trip. yes. this is barry. hi. really? so what do i do then? that was good. i'll see you later. i don't freak out very often. i don't, no matter what my sisters say, ok? i don't freak out. have a good trip. hi. what? wait a minute -- please don't do this. whoa. whoa. wait, wait -- don't please. just take it, take the money in my pockets, take it, it's fine -- it's three hundred and twenty dollars, just take it. nothing. i mean, really. change, nothing. that's the cash i have. yes. yes. no. i didn't promise her money. she said that it was confidential, this isn't fair -- -- don't -- alright, alright. how do you want to do this? you know, please, i just wanna say that i didn't say i would help her out; i was very clear about it. i don't think that this is fair. wait, wait, wait, ouch, ouch. what the hell? i think i got in trouble. a little bit of trouble. i made a call. . and, uh. ok. ok. i gotta get some pudding to go somewhere. hello? ok. well. i'm gonna go out of town. i'm going to go out of town just for two days. i'm going to go to hawaii but you can't tell my sisters that. yeah but you can't tell my sisters that. alright: and i have to go and buy some more pudding for this trip to hawaii and as i just said that out loud i'm realizing it sounds a little strange but it's not. so can you come and help me out? i saw the teriyaki chicken first and that was $1.79 and then the soup which made a real deal but then to come across the pudding. it's just tremendous when you think about how most people just don't look. they don't. they're not looking at the fine print, lance. they need to be scanned individually. they each have a bar code, so i need it scanned individually so that each and every cup appears on the receipt. i'm sorry. yes. sorry. each pudding cup has to be scanned individually so that. it's for a giveaway. a product giveaway by this company. i'm sorry, i know. i know that it's. i'm sorry, i'm really sorry. sorry. i'm sorry, ma'am. god damn they're so beautiful. you know you can get places in the world with pudding. that's funny. that's funny. i guess they're not open today. that's fine. i think i have enough. i get really sick of myself sometimes. no, no, no, no, no. what do you mean? it doesn't state anywhere about six to eight weeks. i had this whole thing in my head, i was gonna be able to get this to you today -- i have to leave today -- how am i supposed to know what to do if you don't say it -- if it's not in your rules and regulations in your fine print how am i supposed to know how to be with this -- no, no, no, no, no, no, no! don't do that. don't do that. that's not right. calm down now, please. please. ok. ok. calm down now please. ok: the pudding is gonna take six to eight weeks to process so that isn't gonna work for today, i'll just take a bath on that today. ok. but here's the thing i gotta tell you: now: this pudding? let's just figure that out later -- ok. i gotta go. i'm just gonna go now and i'll call you from there, you're in charge 'till i get back. and don't tell my sisters anything? he exits. i've never been on a plane before. what's that sound? nothing. i'm just at work and i'm wondering, you know your friend lena? she didn't, i didn't ask her out? do you know where she's staying in hawaii? she forgot her purse at my work and i wanted to get it back to her. i. please don't do this. i just want to know where she's staying. there is no reason for you to treat me like you do -- you're killing me, you are killing me with the way that you are towards me -- -- all i want is the number of where she's staying and that should be god damn good enough, now stop treating me this way, please -- just give me the number elizabeth please now i think i will kill you if you don't. lena leonard's room please. hello. is lena there? i just called, i got connected to the wrong room. i'm looking for lena leonard and there shouldn't be a man in the room i'm calling. lena? it's barry. yes. i'm calling you, i'm standing in my hotel room, i came because i have my business trip -- you don't have a boyfriend or anything do you? i just wanted to know. when was the last time you had a boyfriend? i just wanted to make sure. where you married? ok. so you were married for how long? ok. where are you from originally? yeah. yeah. this really looks like hawaii here. do you wanna have sex? what's that? what is that that you're doing? i know what you mean, i know what you mean, i get this feeling -- iiiiiiiiiii don't want to hurt anything ever, but what i'm talking about is -- have you ever held a little puppy or a little kitten and it's just the cutest, softest, most precious thing in the world and out of the blue you get this feeling in your gut and all you wanna do is squeeze it. just fuckin squeeze the shit out of it. to take a little puppy and smash its skull. just so precious, so beautiful. just so god damn wonderful and cute you wanna smack it and kick it and love it. fuck. i don't know. i don't know. and you, you. i'm looking at you and i just. your face is so beautiful i just wanna smash it, just smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. you're so pretty. this is funny. this is nice. you know you're not supposed to do that. because i told you. seriously. please. not that day. ok. i was talkin' to you last thursday about that. for what? i don't have any business here. i came here for you, i didn't have any business. how many times have you been on an airplane? that's right you travel so much. how much do you travel? you travel all the time? i forgot about that. yeah. i thought that you were anyway. are you ok? yes i'm sorry. let's go to the hospital. my name is barry egan and i spoke to you. you called me, you remember? that's not true. that's not true at all. you said that your name was georgia and you said our conversation was confidential and i trusted you and you kept calling and asking me for money, c'mon now i want to talk to your owner, your supervisor, whoever runs this, you understand. please connect me now. fine, thank you. hello, my name is barry egan and i called your service -- what? i haven't even told you what's happened. your girl that you have that works there for you threatened me and two men just chased me -- extorted money -- you are bad. you are a bad person. you are a bad person and you have no right to take people's confidence in your service -- somewhere in utah. d&d mattress man. i'm looking for the mattress man. whoever owns this. i'm a nice and reasonable man. i didn't do anything wrong. please don't make me hurt you. and i'm telling you: that if you ever hurt me or if you hurt someone that i love. i will hurt you many, many, many times over. because it's not right to take people's trust. yes i did. can we agree that that is that? thank you. i'm fine. i'm fine. yes i'm fine. well i had to go to utah. but now i'm here and i'll be right back. lena i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry that i left you at the hospital. i called a phone sex line. i called a phone sex line before i met you and then these four blond brothers came after me and you got hurt and i'm sorry -- and i had to leave because i don't want you to get hurt again and now i'm here and i'm back and i have a lot of pudding that i can redeem in six to eight weeks and if you give me that much time i can get enough miles to fly with you wherever you have to go if you have to travel for your job because i don't want to be anywhere without you. can you please let me redeem the mileage? i'm sorry. ok. if you give me six to eight weeks i can redeem the mileage and then i can with you wherever you have to travel.